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The Effectiveness of Vernalization of Immature Embryos of Winter Wheat var. Grana as Related to Age and Exogenous Phytohormones
Authors:F. Dubert,,I. Marci&#  ska,,J. Biesaga-Ko&#  cielniak, I. Szmider
Affiliation:Department of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
Abstract:Starting from the 10th day after pollination, immature embryos of winter wheat var. Grana were isolated and then vernalized for 4 to 8 weeks on Murashige and Skoog nutrients containing BAP (0.5 or 2 mg/dm3), NAA (0.5 or 2 mg/dm3), or GA3 (5 or 20 mg/dm3). Vernalized seedlings were cultivated in a greenhouse and the number of days to the heading of individual plants as well as the percentage of plants capable of generative development were estimated. The lower limit of size for 50 % survival of embryos strongly depended on the phytohormone used: from 0.9 mm in control, 1.1 mm in nutrient containing BAP, 1.2 mm for NAA, up to 1.7 mm in nutrient with GA3. Exogenous GA3 was lethal for embryos younger than 18 days but induced elongation of older embryos. Embryos isolated 2.5 to 4 weeks after pollination showed minimal requirements for the length of vernalization. BAP increased the percentage of heading plants originated from the youngest embryos. GA3 improved partial vernalization, strongly increasing the percentage of heading plants, but did not change the time from the end of vernalization to heading. It has been postulated that GA3 increases number of plants capable of overcoming the threshold of induction of generative development but does not accelerate the flowering process. Hormonized plants showed no deformation of generative development. As the effectiveness of vernalization increased, the heading of plants was faster but they were shorter, forming spikes with a smaller number of spikelets and producing fever lateral shoots. The very young embryos probably have in reserve sufficient amounts of auxins and gibberellins and therefore exogenous GA3 decreases their viability or even exerts a deleterious effect. However, as the embryos' ageing, gibberellin starvation develops. This being especially pronounced during vernalization. The de novo synthesis or activation of gibberellins takes place during the second stage of vernalization. This is why exogenous hormone improves the effectiveness of partial vernalization, though it is not possible to substitute by gibberellins the vernalization requirements of immature embryos.
Keywords:Triticum vulgare    vernalization    immature embryos    phytohormones
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