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Land degradation and population relocation in Northern China
Authors:Chong Dong  Xiumei Liu  K.K. Klein
Affiliation:1. College of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, 275 Xinjian Dongjie, Hohhot, 010019, China. Email: dong_chong_haha@163.com;2. College of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, 275 Xinjian Dongjie, Hohhot, 010019, China. Email: liuxiumeinm@126.com;3. Department of Economics, University of Lethbridge, Office: Room C594, University Hall, University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge Alberta T1K?3?M4, Canada. Email: klein@uleth.ca
Overgrazing in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia following market reform in China has led to severe soil degradation and desertification. In an effort to revive the ecological environment in northern pastoral areas, the government of China recently adopted an intervention policy to relocate families from areas where excess grazing pressure was seriously compromising land and the environment. A survey was conducted in three villages to determine how well the relocated families have adapted to their new living conditions and the factors that affect their willingness to stay in the new villages. Regression analysis revealed that the most important factors were age of the head of the household, length of time the family has resided in the new village, proportion of total income that is made up of government payments and level of fixed, durable and current assets.
Keywords:China  ecological migration  grasslands  Inner Mongolia  involuntary resettlement  land degradation
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