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引用本文:杨科,李文虎,姚昌礼. 药山自然保护区与周边社区和谐发展研究[J]. 林业调查规划, 2005, 30(4): 115-118
作者姓名:杨科  李文虎  姚昌礼
摘    要:于1984年批准建立的省级药山自然保护区总面积20225hm^2,属森林生态类型的自然保护区。为探索保护区与周边社区和谐发展的模式,从2003年8月~2004年10月进行了各种调查。介绍了自然保护区建立以来取得的主要成绩、存在的问题,提出了对策建议。

关 键 词:药山自然保护区  周边社区  和谐发展  生态环境

Investigation and Reflection on the Relationship between Yaoshan Nature Reserve and Adjacent Communities
YANG Ke,Li Wen-hu,YAO Chang-li. Investigation and Reflection on the Relationship between Yaoshan Nature Reserve and Adjacent Communities[J]. Forest Inventory and Planning, 2005, 30(4): 115-118
Authors:YANG Ke  Li Wen-hu  YAO Chang-li
Abstract:The provincial Yaoshan Nature Reserve with the total area of 20, 225 hm^2 established in 1984 is a nature reserve to protect forest ecological types. Various investigations had been conducted from August of 2003 to September of 2004 to explore the models of harmonious development between the nature reserve and adjacent communities. Major achievements attained since the establishment of the reserve and existent problems are all introduced and countermeasures are proposed as well.
Keywords:Yaoshan Nature Reserve   adjacent communities   harmonious development   ecological setting
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