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引用本文:易陈燃, 郑硕理, 刘巧, 等. 马雄杜鹃的繁育系统和杂交育种研究初探[J]. 云南农业大学学报(自然科学), 2018, 33(1): 99-105. DOI: 10.12101/j.issn.1004-390X(n).201611062
作者姓名:易陈燃  郑硕理  刘巧  谷珂  刘国强  张敬丽
作者单位:1.云南农业大学 园林园艺学院,云南 昆明 650201;2.苍山植物园,云南 大理 671003;3.湖南省森林植物园,湖南 长沙 410116
摘    要:
ttttt目的ttttt为马雄杜鹃(Rhododendron maxiongense)的保护和园林应用提供理论依据。tttttttttttttttttt方法ttttt本研究对马雄杜鹃进行了开花物候和访花昆虫的观察,统计了杂交指数、花粉-胚珠比和人工控制授粉试验。ttttttttttttt结果ttttt马雄杜鹃花期为4月中旬到5月底;杂交指数(OCI)≥4,P/O值为422.48,主要的传粉者为东方蜜蜂;自然状态下马雄杜鹃的坐果率最高,为57.14%,同种同株异花授粉和同种异株异花授粉坐果率仅为24.28%和17.14%。
以马雄杜鹃(R. maxiongense)为母本,马缨杜鹃(R. delavayi)、大白杜鹃(R. decorum)、露珠杜鹃(R. irroratum)和羊踯躅(R. molle)为父本的坐果率分别为11.43%、22.86%、2.86%和10%。ttttttttt

关 键 词:马雄杜鹃  访花昆虫  繁育系统  杂交育种

Comparative reproductive biology of the six species of Rhododendron (Ericaceae) in Hong Kong,South China
Chenran YI, Shuoli ZHENG, Qiao LIU, et al. Preliminary Study on the Breeding System and Crossbreeding of Rhododendron maxiongense (Ericaceae)[J]. JOURNAL OF YUNNAN AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY(Natural Science), 2018, 33(1): 99-105. DOI: 10.12101/j.issn.1004-390X(n).201611062
Authors:Chenran YI  Shuoli ZHENG  Qiao LIU  Ke GU  Guoqiang LIU  Jinli ZHANG
Affiliation:1.College of Horticulture and Landscape, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China;2.Cangshan Botanical Garden, Dali 671003, China;3.Hunan Forest Botanical Garden, Changsha 410116, China
tttttPurposetttttTo provide the theoretical basis for the protection and landscape application of Rhododendron maxiongense.ttttttttttttttttttMethodtttttIn this study, flowering phenology and visiting insects were observed, and the indices of hybridization, pollen ovule ratio and controlled pollination were counted.tttttttttttttResulttttttThe flowering phase of R. maxiongense is from middle April to the end of May, and the hybrid index (OCI)≥4, P/O ratio is 422.48; the main pollinators is Apis cerana. The highest fruit rate of R. maxiongense was 57.14% under the natural conditions, and the fruit rates of the cross pollination in the same or different individuals were only 24.28% and 17.14%. Moreover, the fruit rates of artificial cross between R.
(♀) and R. delavayi (♂) , R. decorum (♂) , R. irroratum (♂) and R. molle (♂) were 11.43%, 22.86%, 2.86% and 10%, receptively.ttttttttt
tttttttttConclusiontttttThe results revealed that the best period of pollen activity and the stigma receptivity of R. maxiongense may not meet each other; the breeding system is facultative outcrossing, self-compatibility, and require pollinators; the pollinator efficiency is highest under the natural condition, and the low rates of artificial pollination in the same species and between different species, because it was difficult to grasp the best period of the pollen activity and stigma receptivity.ttttttttt
Keywords:Rhododendron maxiongense  visitors  breeding system  crossbreeding
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