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引用本文:殷亚方,Nagao Hirofumi,Ido Hirofumi. 激光测距方法测量结构材的顺纹抗拉弹性模量[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2007, 29(6): 172-175
作者姓名:殷亚方  Nagao Hirofumi  Ido Hirofumi
摘    要:该文以经过120 d、温度90℃条件下窑干干燥处理的56根日本柳杉人工林结构材(110 mm×55 mm×2 500 mm)作为测试试件,介绍了一种利用激光测距系统测量顺纹抗拉弹性模量的方法. 首先将试件含水率调至15%,在抗拉试验开始前采用纵向基频振动方法 (FFT) 得到试件的动态弹性模量(Efr),再利用由激光测距仪、数据采集器和计算机处理系统组成的激光测距系统,测定了顺纹抗拉弹性模量(Et),最后破坏试件完成顺纹抗拉强度(σt)的测定. 对Efr、Et和σt相互关系的比较分析表明,Et的平均值比FFT方法得到的Efr的平均值小78% (0.63 GPa);Et与Efr具有很好的相关性,相关系数R为0971,在0.001水平上呈显著相关;Et和σt的相关系数R为0727,也在0.001水平上呈显著相关. 足尺试件的顺纹抗拉测试结果表明,激光测距方法可以准确地测量结构材在顺纹受拉时发生的拉伸变形,从而得到可靠的抗拉弹性模量试验结果.  

关 键 词:激光测距方法  日本柳杉  结构材  顺纹抗拉弹性模量  顺纹抗拉强度

Application of a laser measurement method in measuring the modulus of elasticity in tension parallel to grain of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don structural lumber
YIN Ya-fang,Nagao Hirofumi,Ido Hirofumi. Application of a laser measurement method in measuring the modulus of elasticity in tension parallel to grain of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don structural lumber[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2007, 29(6): 172-175
Authors:YIN Ya-fang  Nagao Hirofumi  Ido Hirofumi
Affiliation:1 Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, 100091, P. R. China; 2 Japanese Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba Norin Ibaraki, 305-8687,Japan. 
Abstract:The objective of this paper is to introduce a laser measurement method to obtain the modulus of elasticity (MOE) in tension parallel to grain of structural lumber. Fifty six pieces of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don plantation lumber (110 mm×55 mm×2 500 mm), dried at 90℃ temperature in kiln for 120 days, were selected as the testing specimens. After adjusting the moisture content to 15%, the dynamic MOE (Efr) of all pieces was measured based on longitudinal vibration in fundamental frequency (FFT). A laser measurement system consisting of laser meter for tensile deformation, data logger and computer analyzer was then applied to measure tension MOE (Et) of lumber. Meanwhile, tension strength (σt) of lumber was obtained when pieces were in failure at maximum load. The results indicated that the average Et was 7.8% (0.63 GPa) less than Efr. Statistical linear regression analyses revealed that useful relationship was evident among Et, Efr and σt (P<0.001). The correlation coefficient was 0.971 between Et and Efr, and 0.727 between Et and σt. The tensile testing results demonstrated that the laser measurement method could be used to obtain precise tensile deformation for reliable MOE in tension parallel to grain of structural lumber
Keywords:laser measurement method  Cryptomeria japonica D.Don  structural lumber  tensile modulus of elasticity parallel to grain  tension strength parallel to grain
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