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Criteria and standards for sustainable agriculture
Authors:Hans Eckert  Gerhard Breitschuh  Dieter R. Sauerbeck
Abstract:This paper presents an assessment system which on the basis of quantifiable criteria and appropriate orientation values describes the risk potentials of farming as far as environmental protection and sustainability is concerned. The procedure addresses the most significant risks and suggests ranges for their tolerability. By this way farmers can recognize principal shortcomings of their management and look for appropriate countermeasures to cope with them. The guiding principle is a way of farming which uses the available resources and the production potential as efficiently as possible, while keeping the unfavorable impacts on soils, water, air and biota within acceptable limits. Several years of investigations in about 125 different farms have shown that non‐tolerable impacts of farming on the environment are predominantly due to avoidable managerial mistakes. The suggested assessment system provides criteria for the actual magnitude and the tolerability of the different risk potentials and may thus help to substantiate the compliance with such general principles as ”︁good farming practice”.
Keywords:sustainable agriculture  environmental compatibility  criteria  tolerability ranges  guide values
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