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引用本文:王春霞 杨忠源. 肉用仔鸡对甲硫亚砜生物学利用性的研究[J]. 畜牧兽医学报, 1991, 22(3): 212-217
作者姓名:王春霞 杨忠源
摘    要:
选用459只1日龄Arbor Acres混合雏进行比较饲养试验,以研究肉仔鸡对甲硫亚砜的生物学利用性。试验期6周。采用玉米-花生饼-血粉基础日粮,在前(1~3周)、后(4~6周)期,其营养水平分别为:代谢能3.02、3.05Mcal/kg;粗蛋白21.6、19.0%;蛋氨酸十胱氨酸0.64、0.59%,且以蛋氨酸为限制因素。饲喂基础日粮组为对照组,前、后期分别以0.12%、0.05%作为添加递增梯度向基础日粮添加DL-蛋氨酸(M1、M2、M3、M4)或DL-甲硫亚砜(S1、S2、S3、S4)。试验结果表明: 1.当日粮胱氨酸适宜并仅以蛋氨酸为限制因素时,DL-甲硫亚砜在促进肉鸡生长上与DL-蛋氨酸具有相似的作用,且随着甲硫亚砜或蛋氨酸的逐级添加,肉鸡腹脂百分率有下降的趋势。 2.在本试验条件下,日粮中的蛋氨酸水平对1~3周龄与4~6周龄肉仔鸡分别以0.48%和0.32%为宜。过量的蛋氨酸对肉鸡生长有不利影响,而甲硫亚砜则无。

关 键 词:肉鸡 甲硫亚砜 蛋氨酸 鸡 生物学

Wang Chunxia,Huang Junchun. AVAILABILITY OF METHIONINE SULFOXIDE FOR BROILERS[J]. Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 1991, 22(3): 212-217
Authors:Wang Chunxia  Huang Junchun
A total of 459 newly-hatched Arbor Acres broilers were used in studying the availability of DL-methionine sulfoxide(MetSO)in comparison with DL-methionine ( Met ) in two growing periods, namely 1-3 weeks and 4-6 weeks or age. Basal diet, which mainly consisted of corn, peanut meal and blood meal, contained; 3.02, 3.05 Meal ME/kgj 21.6, 19.0% protein, and 0.64, 0.59% Sulfur-amino acid, on the above mentioned periods,respectively.Basal diet was fed to the control group. For the experimental groups diets were supplemented with either DL-methionine or DL-methionine sulfoxide. The results in Ml, M2, M3, M4 or S1, S2, S3, S4 were as follows.1. The effect of supplementing methionine sulfoxide on the growth of chicks was similar to that of methionine,when the amount of cystine in diet was sufficient. The rates of the abdominal fat to body weight of group M4(p<0.05) and S4(p<0.01) were significantly lower than that of control ( female ) at 6 weeks of age.2. In this experiment, the optimum levels of methionine for the broilers during 1-3 weeks and 4-6 weeks period were 0.48 and 0.32%> respectively. When the amount of methionine added in diet was above this level, chicks grew slowly, and the ratio of liver to body weight rised, but those adding methionine sulfoxide groups at the same levels as methionine were not under these cases.
Keywords:Methionine sulfoxide   Methionine   Broilers  
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