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The influence of carbonates in parent rocks on the biological properties of mountain soils of the Northwest Caucasus region
Authors:K. Sh. Kazeev  M. A. Kutrovskii  E. V. Dadenko  L. S. Vezdeneeva  S. I. Kolesnikov  V. F. Val’kov
Affiliation:1.Southern Federal University,Rostov-on-Don,Russia
The biological activity of different subtypes of soddy-calcareous soils (rendzinas) of the Northwest Caucasus region was studied. In the Novorossiisk-Abrau-Dyurso region (dry subtropics), typical soddy-calcareous soils with the high content of carbonates predominate; in the more humid conditions of the Lagonaki Plateau (Republic of Adygeya), leached soddy-calcareous soils carbonate-free down to the parent rock are spread. The number of microarthropods, the populations of fungi and bacteria, and the enzyme activity (catalase, dehydrogenase, and invertase) testify that the biological activity of these soils significantly differs. In the typical soddy-calcareous soils of the dry subtropics, the content of carbonates does not affect the characteristics mentioned; in the more humid conditions of the West Caucasus region, the presence of carbonates in the parent rocks intensifies the biological activity of the soddy-calcareous soils.
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