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引用本文:蔡甲冰,常宏芳,陈鹤,张宝忠,魏征,彭致功. 基于不同有效积温的玉米干物质累积量模拟[J]. 农业机械学报, 2020, 51(5): 263-271
作者姓名:蔡甲冰  常宏芳  陈鹤  张宝忠  魏征  彭致功
摘    要:为获得研究区适宜的玉米干物质累积量(DM)估算模型,通过2017—2019年在吉林省长春地区开展的3年农田试验,观测玉米生育期内作物根区20 cm地温、40 cm地温、农田气温、作物冠层温度以及玉米地上部干物质累积量等数据,建立基于不同有效积温的Logistic模型及其归一化模型,并用实测数据进行模型验证。结果表明,基于有效积温建立的Logistic模型可以模拟单株玉米干物质累积量生长,但不同地点、不同年份所建立的模型参数差异较大;Logistic归一化模型能够很好地模拟区域玉米干物质增长,在利用实测数据进行模型验证中,基于作物根区20 cm地温、40 cm地温、农田气温和作物冠层温度4种类型有效积温的Logistic归一化模型,其均方根误差、相对误差、决定系数和模型一致性系数都能达到较优值;以2019年数据建立的Logistic归一化模型对玉米干物质累积量模拟效果最优;基于有效冠层积温的Logistic归一化模型模拟效果较优。本研究结果可为灌区精量灌溉决策和管理提供技术支撑。

关 键 词:玉米  有效冠层积温  干物质累积量  LOGISTIC模型  归一化Logistic模型

Simulation of Maize Dry Matter Accumulation in Normalized Logistic Model with Different Effective Accumulated Temperatures in Field
CAI Jiabing,CHANG Hongfang,CHEN He,ZHANG Baozhong,WEI Zheng,PENG Zhigong. Simulation of Maize Dry Matter Accumulation in Normalized Logistic Model with Different Effective Accumulated Temperatures in Field[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2020, 51(5): 263-271
Authors:CAI Jiabing  CHANG Hongfang  CHEN He  ZHANG Baozhong  WEI Zheng  PENG Zhigong
Affiliation:China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
Abstract:Dry matter accumulation(DM)and yield assessment are the key issues of maize production management and market of silage and deep processing.A three-year experiment(2017—2019)was carried out in maize fields of Changchun,Jilin Province,monitoring soil temperature(20 cm and 40 cm)in root zone,air temperature,canopy temperature and dry matter accumulation in maize growth stages.The Logistic model and the normalized Logistic model were established based on different effective accumulated temperatures with the observation in each year,separately.Then the validations of each normalized Logistic model were implemented by the observations in the others two years.Results showed that the Logistic models were varied in parameters with the data in different locations and years,based on the four effective accumulated temperatures(soil temperature at 20 cm and 40 cm,air temperature and crop canopy temperature)to simulate dry matter of single maize.However,the normalized Logistic model made a good performance in simulating maize dry matter accumulation under the normalized method.The statistical parameters of root mean square error,relative error,the coefficient of determination,and the index of model agreement reached good values between the simulation and observation.Especially for the normalized Logistic model in 2019,it was run better in the validation of 2017 and 2018.At the same time,the simulations effect was better in effective accumulated canopy temperature of normalized Logistic model.Thus it can be seen that the crop canopy temperature would be more available in regional irrigation management with its scale extension.These research results could support the precision irrigation system and management in irrigation district.
Keywords:maize  effective accumulated canopy temperature  dry matter accumulation  Logistic model  normalized Logistic model
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