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引用本文:高强,栾生,杨国梁,王军毅,孔杰,胡红浪,张宇飞,陈雪峰,罗坤,叶少群. 罗氏沼虾选育新品种──“南太湖2号”与非选育群体生长性能的比较[J]. 大连水产学院学报, 2012, 27(2): 120-124
作者姓名:高强  栾生  杨国梁  王军毅  孔杰  胡红浪  张宇飞  陈雪峰  罗坤  叶少群
作者单位:1. 浙江省淡水水产研究所,浙江湖州313001;浙江南太湖淡水水产种业有限公司,浙江湖州313001
2. 中国水产科学研究院 黄海水产研究所 农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室,山东青岛,266071
3. 全国水产技术推广总站,北京,100026
4. 浙江南太湖淡水水产种业有限公司,浙江湖州,313001
摘    要:采用不同颜色荧光标记方法对罗氏沼虾Macrobrachium rosenbergii选育新品种──"南太湖2号"与非选育群体的生长性能进行了比较,试验共进行103 d。结果表明:"南太湖2号"两个选育群体间的生长性能及相对成活率差异不显著(P〉0.05);"南太湖2号"选育群体的特定生长率、肥满度和肌肉中RNA/DNA值(3.86%/d、3.08、2.98)均显著高于非选育群体(3.55%/d、2.51、1.58)(P〈0.05);选育群体的相对增重率比非选育群体快36.87%;选育群体的相对成活率比非选育群提高7.76%。研究表明,应用数量遗传学方法选育的罗氏沼虾"南太湖2号"的生长性能要明显优于非选育群体。

关 键 词:罗氏沼虾  南太湖2号  生长性能  相对成活率

The growth performance of "South Tailake No.2" population of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii
GAO Qiang , LUAN Sheng , YANG Guo-liang , WANG Jun-yi , KONG Jie , HU Hong-lang , ZHANG Yu-fei , CHEN Xue-feng , LUO Kun , YE Shao-qun. The growth performance of "South Tailake No.2" population of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii[J]. Journal of Dalian Fisheries University, 2012, 27(2): 120-124
Authors:GAO Qiang    LUAN Sheng    YANG Guo-liang    WANG Jun-yi    KONG Jie    HU Hong-lang    ZHANG Yu-fei    CHEN Xue-feng    LUO Kun    YE Shao-qun
Affiliation:1.Zhejiang Institute of Freshwater Fisheries,Huzhou 313001,China;2.Zhejiang South Taihu Lake Freshwater Fish Breeding Co.,Ltd,Huzhou 313001,China;3.Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Marine Fisheries Resources,Ministry of Agriculture,Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Qingdao 266071,China;4.National Fisheries Technical Extension Center,Beijing 100026,China)
Abstract:A comparative study of the growth performance was carried out between the new selected strain of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii,"South Tailake No.2" and the non-selected population tagged with a unique family code by injection of "Visible Implant Fluorescent Elastomers"(VIE) with different colours.The results showed that there were no significant differences in growth performance and relative survival rate between the two population of the new selected strain of "South Tailake No.2"(P0.05).The "South Tailake No.2"had significantly(P0.05) higher specific growth rate(3.86 %/d),condition factor(3.08)and RNA/DNA ratio(2.98) than the non-selected population(3.55 %/d,2.51 and 1.58) did.There were 36.87% higher relative growth rate and 7.76% higher relative survival rate in "South Tailake No.2" population than those in the non-selected population.The results indicate that the growth performance of "South Tailake No.2" selected by quantitative genetics means are better than non-selected population.
Keywords:Macrobrachium rosenbergii  South Tailake No.2  growth performance  relative survival rate
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