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作者姓名:陈顺立  李友恭
摘    要:双线盗毒蛾是黑荆树的重要害虫之一,在福建一年发生7代,以幼虫越冬。卵成块产于小枝条上,3—11天孵化。幼虫五龄,少数四龄,以取食嫩叶为主,也取食叶柄、花序等。幼虫老熟时下树,多在草丛里,枯枝落叶中结茧化蛹,预蛹期1—4天。成虫羽化后当天即可交配,第2日开始产卵,每雌平均产卵量214粒。成虫寿命3—10天。 室内试验表明:90%敌百虫晶体800—1000倍液,80%敌敌畏乳剂1000—2000倍液,50%辛硫磷乳油1000—2000倍液对4—5龄幼虫均有良好效果。化学农药防治应抓住越冬代或第一代幼虫盛发期。

关 键 词:双线盗毒蛾  生物学特性  黑荆树

A Study on Castor Tussock Moth Porthesia Scintillans (Walker)
Chen shunli Li yougong Hang changyao.A Study on Castor Tussock Moth Porthesia Scintillans (Walker)[J].Journal of Fujian College of Forestry,1989,9(1):1-9.
Authors:Chen shunli Li yougong Hang changyao
Abstract:The castor tussock moth Porthesia scintillansi (Walker) cis one of the worst pest of Acacia mearnsii in Fujian Province. This paper reports the results of our studies on the biology and control of this pest from 1985 to 1987.This pest has seven generations each year and overwinters as larva in Nanping, Fujian Province. The eggs are laid on the branches and to be hatched within 3-11 days. The larvae usually feed on the tender leave and sometimes also feed on the leafstalk or the inflorescence. There are almost five instars, but seldom four instars. When they become mature, the larvae descend to the ground and spin their cocoons in the thick growth of grass or the fallen leaves. The adults live for 3-10 days.Our experiments have shown that the effective measure to control the larvae are spraying with Dipterex, Dichlorvos, Phoxim.
Keywords:Castor tussock moth Porthesia scintillans  Bionomic  Acacias mearnsii
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