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引用本文:周万海,冯瑞章,满元荣. 黄河源区不同退化程度高寒草地土壤特征研究[J]. 草原与草坪, 2008, 0(4): 24-28
作者姓名:周万海  冯瑞章  满元荣
作者单位:1. 甘肃农业大学草业学院,甘肃,兰州,730070
2. 中国科学院,西北高原生物研究所,青海,西宁,810008
摘    要:研究了不同退化梯度的高寒草地不同层次(0~10cm,10-20cm和20-30cm)土壤理化性状变化特征。结果表明:随草地退化程度的加重,土壤含水量下降,土壤容重和pH值增加;土壤有机碳含量亦随退化程度加剧而降低,以0-10cm土层的降低最明显,轻度,中度和重度退化的“黑土滩”草地该土层有机碳含量与未退化草地相比,分别下降36.1%,66.79/6和73.5%;草地0-10cm土壤全氮、全磷含量大小顺序为轻度退化〉未退化〉中度退化〉“黑土滩”退化草地,全钾变化趋势不明显。轻度、中度、“黑土滩”退化草地0~10cm土层速效氮分别比未退化草地降低了21%,54%和64%,10-20cm土层中度退化草地和“黑土滩”分别降低了37%和21%;随草地退化程度加大,速效钾含量在各土层的变化趋势不同,但不同土层的最大速效钾含量均出现在轻度退化草地。

关 键 词:高寒草地  草地退化  土壤特征

Characteristics of soil in different degraded pasture in the headwaters of the yellow Rivers
ZHOU Wan-hai,FENG Rui-zhang,MAN Yuan-rong. Characteristics of soil in different degraded pasture in the headwaters of the yellow Rivers[J]. Grassland and Turf, 2008, 0(4): 24-28
Authors:ZHOU Wan-hai  FENG Rui-zhang  MAN Yuan-rong
Affiliation:1.College of Grassland Science;Gansu Agricultural University;Lanzhou 730070;China;2.Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xining 810008;China
Abstract:Physicochemical characteristics of soil in different degradation grassland were analyzed based on three soil layers(0~10 cm,10~20 cm,20~30 cm) in this study.The results showed that water content decreased,soil bulk density and soil pH increased gradually with the expansion of degradation degree.Content of SOC(0~10 cm) was highest in undegraded pasture,while 36.1%,66.7% and 73.5% decreased in light,moderately and heavy degraded pasture compared with undegraded pasture respectively.The tendency of total N and total P contents in different pastures as follows:light degraded pasture>un~degraded pasture>moderately degraded pasture>heavy degraded pasture at 0~10 cm,while total K content showed no significant difference.Available N content under light,moderately and heavy degraded pasture decreased 21%,54% and 64% at 0~10 cm;The highest available K content was obtained under light degraded pasture at three different depths although it varied with degradation of pasture.
Keywords:Alpine pasture  pasture degradation  soil characteristics  
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