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引用本文:李守丽,石雷,张金政,龙雅宜. 百合育种研究进展[J]. 园艺学报, 2006, 33(1): 203-210
作者姓名:李守丽  石雷  张金政  龙雅宜
作者单位:(中国科学院植物研究所, 北京100093; 中国科学院研究生院, 北京100039)
摘    要:
 对目前国内外百合种质资源状况、育种过程中的性状改良以及技术创新等方面所取得的成就进行了综述, 认为近年来百合育种在新品种选育及育种技术方法等方面均有很多创新, 并在无花粉百合选育, 克服杂交前、后障碍以及农杆菌介导的转基因操作等方面建立了一系列综合、完整的体系, 为今后的育种工作提供了借鉴模式。但在濒危物种的保护, 育种过程中杂交不育机理等基础理论研究以及分子生物学育种的开展等方面还比较薄弱, 有待进一步加强。在新品种选育方面, 抗性育种仍是今后育种研究的重点。

关 键 词:百合  育种  性状改良

Recent Advances in Lily Breeding
Li Shouli,Shi Lei,Zhang Jinzheng,Long Yayi. Recent Advances in Lily Breeding[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2006, 33(1): 203-210
Authors:Li Shouli  Shi Lei  Zhang Jinzheng  Long Yayi
Affiliation:( Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China; Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China)
The studies on conservation and utilization of Lilium germplasm resourses,character improvement and the new technology in its breeding were reviewed.During the passed decades,great advances were made in new cultivar breeding and technique innovation.Several integrated systems relating to pollenless cultivar selection,overcoming of hybridization barriers and Agrobacterium mediated transformation have been developed,which will provide great help for lily breeding.However,more studies should be done on conservation of rare and endangered species in Lilium,mechanism of cross-sterility and utilization of molecular biology in breeding.Resistance breeding is one of the main directions in Lilium variety development in the future.
Keywords:Lilium  Breeding  Character improvement
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