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引用本文:刘军民,孙玉,王书勤,谢吉先,季国民. 不同密度·施肥量对泰花9号花生产量及农艺性状的影响[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2016, 44(18). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2016.18.009
作者姓名:刘军民  孙玉  王书勤  谢吉先  季国民
摘    要:[目的]探明江苏省沙土、高沙土及周边生态条件相近地区花生新品种泰花9号的栽培技术。[方法]采用随机区组排列,设计7种栽培密度、7个施肥水平,研究不同密度和施肥量对泰花9号产量及主要农艺性状的影响。[结果]密度和施肥量对泰花9号产量、株高、侧枝长、分枝数、有效果数均有显著影响。[结论]泰花9号适宜种植密度为165 000穴/hm~2;施复合肥(N∶P_2O_5∶K_2O=15∶15∶15)450.0~600.0 kg/hm~2,同时配以75.0~112.5 kg/hm~2尿素作基肥较好。

关 键 词:种植密度  施肥水平  泰花9号  性状  产量

Effects of Different Density,Fertilization Amount on Yield and Agronomic Traits of Taihua 9 Peanut
Abstract:Objective] The aim was to explore cultivation technique of peanut new variety Taihua 9 in sandy soil, high sandy soil and sur-rounding areas of similar ecological conditions in Jiangsu Province.[Method] Using random group arrangement, setting up 7 planting densities and 7 fertilization levels, effects of different densities and fertilization amount on yield and main agronomic traits of Taihua 9 were studied. [Result] Density and fertilization amount had significant effects on yield, plant height, lateral branch length, branch number, effective fruits of Taihua 9.[Conclusion] The optimal planting density of Taihua 9 is 165 000 cave/hm2;applying compound fertilizer (N∶P2O5∶K2O=15∶15∶15)450.0-600.0 kg/hm2 with 75.0-112.5 kg/hm2 urea as base fertilizer is good.
Keywords:Planting density  Fertilization level  Taihua 9  Traits  Yield
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