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引用本文:韦耘耕,刘伟勤. 文献资源共建共享环境中柳州医专图书编目工作[J]. 农业图书情报学刊, 2009, 21(11): 95-99
作者姓名:韦耘耕  刘伟勤
摘    要:随着网络技术的发展,图书馆的存在形式将发生重大变革,馆与馆之间的联系也将更加紧密,建立一个开放的、广阔的、图书馆共建共享环境,才能够更方便及时地让读者获取更多、更有用的文献信息,也才能够最大限度满足当今社会各行各业的共同需求。正是在这一特定的大环境下,本文就柳州医专图书编目工作与同行进行交流探讨,针对近年工作中出现的若干问题,提出自己的一些建议和设想,以期推动我校图书馆事业向前发展。

关 键 词:图书编目  信息资源共建  信息资源共享

Cataloging Work of the Liuzhou Medical College in the Environment of Document Resource Sharing and Development
WEI Yun-geng,LIU Wei-qin. Cataloging Work of the Liuzhou Medical College in the Environment of Document Resource Sharing and Development[J]. Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture, 2009, 21(11): 95-99
Authors:WEI Yun-geng  LIU Wei-qin
Affiliation:g (Liuzhou Medical College, Liuzhou 545006, China)
Abstract:With the development of the network technique, an important reform will take place in the library' s existing form. To provide readers more as well as more useful document information conveniently and quickly and meet the common needs of various trades and occupations, the relationship between the libraries should be enforced and an opened, widened and sharing environment should be established. In this case, this article works for communication and discussion with peers about the catalogue of Liuzhou Medical College. In order to promote the development of our college' s library, some suggestions and ideas corresponding to the problems appeared in the job are put forward.
Keywords:catalogue  information resource construction  information resource construction sharing
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