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引用本文:郑宝荣,叶建仁,王记祥,徐耀昌,黄芙蓉. 肉桂藻斑病的初步研究[J]. 中国森林病虫, 2004, 23(2): 8-10
作者姓名:郑宝荣  叶建仁  王记祥  徐耀昌  黄芙蓉
摘    要:肉桂藻斑病是一种在福建省华安县肉桂林中发生十分严重的病害,是由寄生性红锈藻Cephaleuros virescens引起。从3月上旬至10月上旬病原以游动孢子随气流和雨水传播侵染,以孢子囊在病叶上越冬。该病属于单循环病害。在病原侵染初期分别用1%波尔多液、50%托布津和50%多菌灵做防治试验,防治效果分别为66.2%、45,9%和33.8%。

关 键 词:肉桂  藻斑病  发病规律  防治试验

Algae-spot disease in Cinnamomum cassia
ZHENG Bao-rong,et al.. Algae-spot disease in Cinnamomum cassia[J]. Forest Pest and Disease, 2004, 23(2): 8-10
Authors:ZHENG Bao-rong  et al.
Abstract:The algae-spot disease was serious in Cinnamomum cassia stands and the pathogen (Cephaleuros virescens) could infect the hosts by zoospore with raining and in air from March to October in Hua'an County of Fujian Province.It was a single-cycle disease.The pathogen overwintered as sporangium on infected leaves.The control effects of 1% Bordeaux mixture,50% Topsin and 50% Carbendazim were 66.2%,45.9% and 33.8% respectively.
Keywords:Cinnamomum cassia  Cephaleuros virescens  occurrence regularity  control test  
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