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引用本文:邹瑜,杨柳,黄大辉,吴代东,张进忠,赵明,林茜,潘永杰,林贵美,韦绍龙,欧昆鹏. 70份毛葡萄种质资源遗传多样性的SSR分析[J]. 广西农业科学, 2013, 0(12): 1943-1948
作者姓名:邹瑜  杨柳  黄大辉  吴代东  张进忠  赵明  林茜  潘永杰  林贵美  韦绍龙  欧昆鹏
作者单位:[1]广西农业科学院生物技术研究所 [2]广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室 [3]广西植物组培苗有限公司,南宁530007
摘    要:
【目的】利用SSR标记进行毛葡萄遗传多样性的分析,阐明毛葡萄种质的亲缘关系,为有效利用野生毛葡萄种质及挖掘优良基因提供参考。【方法】利用筛选的多态性SSR引物对70份毛葡萄进行SSR扩增,评价不同种质遗传多样性,并分析亲缘关系。【结果】从40对SSR引物中筛选出16对多态性引物,共扩增出123 条带,每对引物可检测到等位位点数3-15个,多态率26.7%-100.0%。PopGene分析结果表明,毛葡萄种群Nei’s 基因多样性平均指数为0.4412,多样性信息平均指数为0.6308,具有较高的遗传多样性。Nei’s相似性系数分析结果表明,70份毛葡萄种质的遗传相似系数在0.60-0.89。UPGMA 聚类分析结果表明,在遗传相似系数0.61 处,70 份毛葡萄材料可分为3大类群:第一类包含两份毛葡萄材料,编号为70和91,均来自广西罗城县;第二类包含5份材料,编号为28、1、129、3和131,除131外,其余4份来自广西罗城县;其他63份归为第三类,其中50份为广西罗城县毛葡萄。【结论】广西罗城县毛葡萄具有丰富的遗传多样性,可为毛葡萄种质资源的利用和品种选育提供参考。

关 键 词:毛葡萄  种质资源  SSR分析  聚类分析  遗传多样性

Genetic diversity of 70 Vitis heyneana germplasms revealed by SSR markers
ZOU Yu,YANG Liu,.,HUANG Da-hui,WU Dai-dong,ZHANG Jin-zhong,ZHAO Ming,LIN Qian,PAN Yong-jie,LIN Gui-mei,WEI Shao-long,OU Kun-peng. Genetic diversity of 70 Vitis heyneana germplasms revealed by SSR markers[J]. Guangxi Agricultural Sciences, 2013, 0(12): 1943-1948
Authors:ZOU Yu  YANG Liu  .  HUANG Da-hui  WU Dai-dong  ZHANG Jin-zhong  ZHAO Ming  LIN Qian  PAN Yong-jie  LIN Gui-mei  WEI Shao-long  OU Kun-peng
Affiliation:1Bio-technology Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007, China; 2 Guangxi Crop Improvement and Biotechnology Laboratory,Guangxi Academy of Agricuhural Sciences, Nanning 530007, China; 3Guangxi Plant Tissue Culture Company Limited, Nanning 530007, China)
【Objective】The genetic diversity of Vitis heyneana was studied using SSR markers in order to understand the interrelationship and provide references on effective utilization of those germplasms and screening better genes. 【Method】By using the selected polymorphism SSR primers to amplify 70 accessions of Vitis heyneana germplasms, the genetic diversity and interrelationship were analyzed. 【Result】The results showed that 123 bands were amplified using 16 pairs of polymorphic primers screened from 40 pairs, and 3 to 15 allelic loci were detected by each pair of primers, with the polymorphic rate of 26.7%-100.0%. The average population Nei’s genetic diversity index was 0.4412 and the average Shannon index of diversity was 0.6308 as indicated by the PopGene analysis. The results indicated that this Vitis heyneana group had higher genetic diversity. Jaccard similarity coefficient analysis by NTSYSpc2.10e software based on SSR amplification results demonstrated that the genetic similarity coefficient was 0.60-0.89. The UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the 70 accessions of Vitis heyneana germplasms could be divided into three major groups on similarity coefficient level of 0.61. Two wild varieties from Luocheng (No.70, No.91) were clustered in the same group. The second group included five wild varieties (No.28, No.129 , No.1, No.3 from Luocheng and one wild variety No.131 from Du’an), and the rest 63 varieties were the third group (50 varieties from Luocheng). 【Conclusion】Vitis heyneana has abundant diversity in Luocheng, which provides basic data for protection and utilization of Vitis heyneana germplasms.
Keywords:Vitis heyneana  germplasm resources  SSR analysis  cluster analysis  genetic diversity
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