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引用本文:郑健,蔡焕杰,王燕,王健. 不同供水条件对温室小型西瓜苗期根区土壤水分、温度及生理指标的影响[J]. 干旱地区农业研究, 2011, 29(3): 35-41
作者姓名:郑健  蔡焕杰  王燕  王健
基金项目:国家高新技术研究“863”计划(2006AA100202); 兰州理工大学博士基金(0906ZXC121)
摘    要:以小型西瓜"黑美人"为试验材料,在日光温室内进行了灌溉试验研究,试验设置1.25Ep(Ep为两次灌水时间间隔内的蒸发皿蒸发量)、1.0Ep、0.75Ep和0.5Ep四个供水处理,以探求不同供水条件对温室小型西瓜根区土壤水分变化、土壤温度、西瓜的形态指标、水分生理指标和光合生理指标的影响,并采用DPS分析软件对数据进行了...

关 键 词:小型西瓜  生理指标  土壤水分  土壤温度

Effect of different water supply conditions on soil water content, soil temperature and physiological characteristics of mini-watermelon at the seedling stage
ZHENG Jian,CAI Huanjie,WANG Yan,WANG Jian. Effect of different water supply conditions on soil water content, soil temperature and physiological characteristics of mini-watermelon at the seedling stage[J]. Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas, 2011, 29(3): 35-41
Authors:ZHENG Jian  CAI Huanjie  WANG Yan  WANG Jian
Affiliation:ZHENG Jian1,2,CAI Huan-jie2,WANG Yan1,WANG Jian2(1.College of Energy and Power Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China,2.Key Laboratory of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid Area of Ministry of Education,Northwest A & F University,Yangling 712100,China)
Abstract:A study was carried out on the effect of different water supply conditions on some indexes of mini-watermelon,including soil water status and soil temperature around crop rootzone,morphological indexes,photosynthetic indexes and physiological indexes.With mini-watermelon Hei Meiren as the material,the irrigation experiment was conducted in the greenhouse,and significance analysis was made of experiment data through the software of DPS.The results showed that,with the reduction of water supply,the soil water...
Keywords:mini-watermelon  physiological characteristics  soil water content  soil temperature  
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