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引用本文:周长青,李元喜,刘同先,张帆,罗晨. 浅黄恩蚜小蜂雌蜂的个体发育及其寿命和产卵量的观察[J]. 中国生物防治, 2010, 26(2): 113-118
作者姓名:周长青  李元喜  刘同先  张帆  罗晨
作者单位:1. 北京市农林科学院植保环保所,北京,100097
2. 南京农业大学植物保护学院/农业部作物病虫害监测与防控重点开放实验室,南京,210095
3. 美国德克萨斯A&M大学Wedaco试验站,TX,78596-8399
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2009CB119200); 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD08A08,2008BADA5B06)
摘    要:在实验室25±1℃、RH70%~75%、光照L∶D=14h∶10h、光照强度3500lx条件下,观察了以烟粉虱为寄主时,浅黄恩蚜小蜂雌蜂的个体发育及羽化雌蜂的产卵量和寿命,并描述了各发育阶段的形态特征。结果发现,根据蜕皮现象及形态特征,雌蜂羽化前的发育可分为6个阶段:卵期、一龄幼虫、二龄幼虫、三龄幼虫、预蛹期和蛹期。一龄和二龄的发育历期均为1d左右,卵和三龄的发育历期约需2d,预蛹期0.8d,蛹期5d。在每天更换寄主的情况下,雌蜂平均寿命21.9d,最长29d,最短8d;产卵量为79.1粒,最多124粒,最少51粒。

关 键 词:浅黄恩蚜小蜂  雌蜂  烟粉虱  个体发育

Development and Morphology of Female Immature of Encarsia sophia and Their Longevity and Fecundity
ZHOU Chang-qing , LI Yuan-xi , LIU Tong-xian , ZHANG Fan , LUO Chen. Development and Morphology of Female Immature of Encarsia sophia and Their Longevity and Fecundity[J]. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 2010, 26(2): 113-118
Authors:ZHOU Chang-qing    LI Yuan-xi    LIU Tong-xian    ZHANG Fan    LUO Chen
Affiliation:ZHOU Chang-qing1,LI Yuan-xi2,LIU Tong-xian3,ZHANG Fan1,LUO Chen1(1.Institute of Plant , Environment Protection,Beijing Academy of Agriculture , Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097,China,2.Department of Entomology,College of Plant Protection,Nanjing Agricultural University,Key Laboratoryof Monitoring , Management of Crop Diseases , Pest Insects,Ministry of Agriculture,Nanjing 210095,3.Texas Agri-Life Research Station,The Texas A & M University System,TX 78596-8399,USA)
Abstract:In the laboratory(25±1℃,70%-75% RH,a photoperiod of L∶D=14 h∶10 h and light intensity 3500 lx),the development and morphology of immature stages of Encarsia sophia(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) females and the fecundity and longevity of female adults using Bemisia tabaci as the host were investigated. The developmental time from egg to adult emergence was averaged 12.8 d,in which 1.9 d was for egg,1.1,1.0,and 2.2 d for first-,second-and third-instars larvae,respectively,and 6.5 d for pupal stage.The size of each immature stage was measured.The longevity of female adults was averaged 21.9 d(ranging from 8 d to 29 d) and the fecundity was averaged 79.1 eggs(ranging from 51 to 124 eggs).
Keywords:Encarsia sophia  female wasp  Bemisia tabaci  development  
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