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引用本文:李川,辜夕容,姚小华,王开良,常君,余裕龙. 3个薄壳山核桃无性系花粉活力与显微结构比较研究[J]. 江西农业大学学报, 2012, 34(2): 324-328,350
作者姓名:李川  辜夕容  姚小华  王开良  常君  余裕龙
作者单位:1. 西南大学 资源环境学院,重庆北碚400716;中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所,浙江富阳311400
2. 西南大学 资源环境学院,重庆北碚,400716
3. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所,浙江富阳,311400
4. 浙江省建德市建德林场,浙江建德,311604
摘    要:以薄壳山核桃无性系5号、27号、35号花粉为试验材料,测定了不同处理方式、不同采摘时期和不同出粉次数下的花粉活力,同时利用扫描电子显微镜对其花粉形态进行了观测。结果表明,不同处理方式、不同采摘时间和不同出粉次数下收集的同一薄壳山核桃无性系花粉,其活力存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。3个无性系花粉极轴长(P)和赤道轴长(E)存在显著性差异(P<0.05),花粉粒形状均为扁球形,具有3个萌发孔,均匀分布在赤道面上;3个无性系花粉赤道面观均呈椭圆形,无性系5号和27号极面观呈近圆形,而无性系35号极面观呈近三角形;3个无性系花粉表面呈颗粒状纹饰,均匀分布着颗粒状的突起,表面纹饰差异不明显。通过研究薄壳山核桃花粉的超显微结构,可为薄壳山核桃品种的起源、演化以及种类间亲缘关系等提供孢粉学依据,为薄壳山核桃的新品种选育、杂交育种奠定初步基础。

关 键 词:薄壳山核桃  花粉活力  花粉形态

A Comparative Study on the Viability and Microstructure of 3 Pecans (Carya illinoensis) Clone Pollen
LI Chuan , GU Xi-rong , YAO Xiao-hua , WANG Kai-liang , CHANG Jun , YU Yu-long. A Comparative Study on the Viability and Microstructure of 3 Pecans (Carya illinoensis) Clone Pollen[J]. Acta Agriculturae Universitis Jiangxiensis, 2012, 34(2): 324-328,350
Authors:LI Chuan    GU Xi-rong    YAO Xiao-hua    WANG Kai-liang    CHANG Jun    YU Yu-long
Affiliation:1.School of Resources and Environment,Southwest University,Beibei 400716,China;2.Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry,CAF,Fuyang 311400,China;3.The Forest Farm of Jiande County,Jiande 311604,China)
Abstract:The pollen of No.5,No.27 and No.35 of clones of Carya illinoensis was chosen as the experimental material to study the pollen viability and pollen morphology with SEM in different processing modes,plucking time and powder numbers.The results indicated that there are significant differences in the pollen viability in different processing modes,plucking time and powder numbers,also in the Polar axis and equatorial axis of the pollen of these three clones.The form of pollen is ellipsoid and has three apertures which are evenly disposed on the equatorial plane.The equatorial plane of the pollen of these three clones is oval in shape,while the polar planes of clones No.5 and No.27 are nearly round and that of No.35 nearly triangular.There are indifferent granular veins on the surface of the pollen with granular risings equally distributed.This paper provides palynology basis for the origin,evolution and phylogenetic relationship of Carya illinoensis,and foundation of the selection and breeding of new varieties,and cross-hybrid breeding.
Keywords:pecan(Carya illinoensis)  pollen viability  pollen morphology
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