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Biomarkers in canine parvovirus enteritis
Authors:J P Schoeman  A Goddard  A L Leisewitz
Affiliation:1. Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Science , University of Pretoria , Private Bag X04, Onderstepoort , 0110 , South Africa johan.schoeman@up.ac.za;3. Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Science , University of Pretoria , Private Bag X04, Onderstepoort , 0110 , South Africa
Abstract:Canine parvovirus (CPV) enteritis has, since its emergence in 1978, remained a common and important cause of morbidity and mortality in young dogs. The continued incidence of parvoviral enteritis is partly due to the virus' capability to evolve into more virulent and resistant variants with significant local gastrointestinal and systemic inflammatory sequelae. This paper reviews current knowledge on historical-, signalment-, and clinical factors as well as several haematological-, biochemical- and endocrine parameters that can be used as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in CPV enteritis. These factors include season of presentation, purebred nature, bodyweight, vomiting, leukopaenia, lymphopaenia, thrombocytopaenia, hypercoagulability, hypercortisolaemia, hypothyroxinaemia, hypoalbuminaemia, elevated C-reactive protein and tumour necrosis factor, hypocholesterolaemia and hypocitrullinaemia. Factors contributing to the manifestations of CPV infection are multiple with elements of host, pathogen, secondary infections, underlying stressors and environment affecting severity and outcome. The availability of several prognosticators has made identification of patients at high risk of death and their subsequent targeted management more rewarding.
Keywords:Mortality  leukopaenia  hypercortisolaemia  hypothyroxinaemia  hypocholesterolaemia  canine diagnostics, canine prognostics  canine viral disease
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