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引用本文:胡恒觉,陈士宾,高旺盛,黄高宝,扬封科. 甘肃中部半干旱区鹿马岔小流域农牧优化结构的研究[J]. 甘肃农业大学学报, 1988, 0(1)
作者姓名:胡恒觉  陈士宾  高旺盛  黄高宝  扬封科
摘    要:本文以定西鹿马岔综合治理试验区为样板,运用线性规划方法,对该村当前的农牧结构进行了优化选择,初步研究认为:在保证粮食自给条件下,发展豆科牧草是强化农牧系统功能的重要环节;今后畜牧业的重点应以发展草食家畜和禽兔为主;粮食生产水平对农牧关系起着重要的支配作用,因此,正确认识种植业、草业和牧业三者间的相互关系,充分发挥它们的系统协同效应是开发旱农的重大课题。

A Study on the Optimization Structure of Agriculture and Animal Husbardry in Lumacha Watershed
Abstract:How to associate the crop production and animal husbardry scientifically is a foundational question in dryland farming prodution. From the initial results of the study in selecting the optimization structure of agriculture and animal husbandry in lumaeha watershed, Dingxi County, Gansu province, the authors considered that under the conditions of self-sufficient supply of grains, developing legume grasses is the important step to strengthen the systematic function of the farming system, that for developing husbandry the close attention should be paid in increasing the amount of grass-raising animals and some adapted kinds of poultry in the future. According to the significant effect of crop productivity on the relationship between agriculture and husbandry, the authors suggested that a further study should be made in seeking the wvays to promote the systematic cooperating effect among crop production, grass production and animal husbandry.
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