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引用本文:张恩平,张淑红,李天来,葛晓光. 蔬菜钾素营养的研究现状与展望[J]. 中国农学通报, 2005, 21(8): 265-265
作者姓名:张恩平  张淑红  李天来  葛晓光
摘    要:概述了目前国内外钾素在蔬菜作物栽培上的研究概况,从钾的植物生理学研究、钾对蔬菜作物产量、品质、抗逆性以及氮钾元素相互作用等方面作了比较详细的总结。钾几乎影响植物体内所有的代谢过程,包括光合作用、同化产物运转和分配、能量代谢、水分代谢、氮素代谢等许多方面。由于钾素影响了植株的代谢过程,从而对作物生长和产量形成具有积极作用,同时钾作为品质元素,可以提高果实的品质,但也有相反的报道。在总结前人研究的基础上对今后蔬菜钾素营养的研究提出了一些建议。随着蔬菜保护地的日益发展,科学地施用钾肥,明确钾及氮钾互作在蔬菜生理上的作用以及根据土壤和植株指标对土壤钾素盈亏进行诊断应是今后研究的主要方向。

关 键 词:  蔬菜  产量  品质  抗逆性  氮钾关系

Advance of potassium nutrition
Zhang Enping,Zhang Shuhong,Ge Xiaoguang,Li Tianlai. Advance of potassium nutrition[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2005, 21(8): 265-265
Authors:Zhang Enping  Zhang Shuhong  Ge Xiaoguang  Li Tianlai
Affiliation:(College of Horticulture, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161)
Abstract:Physiological functions of potassium, effects of potassium on vegetable yield, quality and resistance to deleterious environmental conditions and interaction of potassium with nitrogen were systematically reviewed. Potassium functioned almost in all metabolic process including photosynthesis, assimilating translocation and distribution, and metabolism of energy, water, nitrogen and so on. In most cases potassium showed positive effects on growth and production of vegetables due to its metabolic roles. Positive effects of potassium on vegetable quality were found, but opposite views were also reported. Suggestions in further research were brought forward on the base of foregoing summarization. More attention should be focused on precise potassium fertilization, insight into physiological functions of potassium and interaction of potassium with nitrogen so that surplus or lack of potassium in vegetable production can be judged easily with either vegetable plant or soil samples.
Keywords:Potassium   Vegetables   Yield   Quality   Resistance   Relationship between potassium and nitrogen
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