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引用本文:徐文倩,董红敏,陈永杏,尚斌,陶秀萍,张万钦. 含固率和接种比对猪粪中温厌氧消化特性的影响[J]. 中国农业气象, 2017, 0(5): 292-300. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.05.003
作者姓名:徐文倩  董红敏  陈永杏  尚斌  陶秀萍  张万钦
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展"973"计划(2012CB417104),农业部 948 项目(2016-X50)
摘    要:
利用全自动甲烷潜力测试仪(AMPTSII),通过猪粪中温批式厌氧发酵试验,比较了不同含固率(4%、6%、8%)和接种比(r_(I/S)=1.5、2.0、3.0)对猪粪产气特性的联合影响。结果表明,含固率和接种比对产气速率及累积甲烷产量均有显著影响,且含固率对厌氧消化产气特性的影响大于接种比。在试验研究参数范围内,单位底物累积甲烷产量随接种比的增加而增大,随含固率的提高呈现先增加后减小的趋势,在含固率为6%,接种比为3时,获得最大累积沼气产量和甲烷产量,分别为469.1m L·g~(-1)VS和333.2m L·g~(-1)VS。在本试验研究条件下,含固率越低,接种比越高,越有利于提高日平均产甲烷速率,缩短反应迟滞期。动力学模型参数表明,First-order模型较修正的Gompertz模型能更好地模拟猪粪厌氧发酵产甲烷规律,且在一定程度上,接种比例越大,含固率越高,First-order模型对试验数据的拟合精度越高。

关 键 词:猪粪  厌氧发酵  含固率  甲烷潜力  接种比  动力学

Effects of Total Solids Content and Inoculation Ratio on Anaerobic Digestion of Swine Manure
XU Wen-qian,DONG Hong-min,CHEN Yong-xing,SHANG Bin,TAO Xiu-ping,ZHANG Wan-qin. Effects of Total Solids Content and Inoculation Ratio on Anaerobic Digestion of Swine Manure[J]. Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology, 2017, 0(5): 292-300. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.05.003
Authors:XU Wen-qian  DONG Hong-min  CHEN Yong-xing  SHANG Bin  TAO Xiu-ping  ZHANG Wan-qin
In order to investigate the effects of different total solids content(4%, 6%, 8%)and inoculation ratio (rI/S=1.5, 2.0, 3.0)on the mesophilic anaerobic digestion of swine manure, batch experiments were conducted using the Automatic Methane Potential Test System. Results showed that total solids content and inoculation ratio had a significant effect on daily and accumulated biogas production, and total solids content played a much more role than inoculation ratio. On the basis of the experimental parameters, the cumulative methane yield increases with the increase of the inoculation ratio, while with the increase of total solids content decreases after increasing first. The highest cumulative biogas yield and methane yield (469.1mL·g-1VS and 333.2mL·g-1VS) was achieved with total solids content of 6% and rI/S of 3.0. In addition, the kinetic model shows that the lower total solids content and the higher inoculation ratio increased the average daily methane production rate and shortened the lag phase of methanogenesis. The first-order kinetic model showed a better fit to the experimental results than the modified Gompertz model, and to a certain extent, the fit accuracy was improved with the increase in total solids content and inoculum rate.
Keywords:Swine manure  Anaerobic digestion  Total solids content  Biochemical methane potential  Inoculation ratio  Kinetic
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