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Synergistic trace metal effects in plants

An experiment was conducted in Yolo loam soil with bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. C.V. Improved Tendergreen) with single and combination treatments of moderately high levels of Cd, Li, Cu, and Ni to test whether or not effects could be additive or synergistic. Copper and Ni together were more toxic than either alone. Copper, Ni, and Cd were more toxic together than any one alone. These effects were probably additive and may be related to a 0.2 pH change caused by Cu which increased uptake of Ni and Mn. Synergistic effects were observed in the Cd and Ni concentrations, especially in the stems of the plants. Because of these interactions, the effects were then tested in solution culture. In solution culture with bush beans Cu and Ni when applied together had synergistic effects on plant concentrations of P, Zn, and Fe (all were decreased) and on the Ni concentration in roots. Also, in solution culture with (2.5 × 10‐5 M) Zn, Cu, and Cd added singly, in pairs, and together, Zn and Cu additively decreased Cd concentrations in roots. Synergistic effects on yield depressions were observed in solution culture for 5 × 10‐5 M Zn + 3 × 10‐5 M Cu+ 2 x10‐5 M Ni. An additive effect on yield depression was observed for 2 × 10‐4 MCd + 2 × 10‐5 M Ni. There were many complex interactions among the trace metal concentrations in these plants.
Keywords:Phytotoxicity  trace metals  synergistic effects  cadmium  lithium  copper  nickel
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