Abstract: | Abstract Chloride (Cl) toxicity was suspected in corn (Zea mays L.) growing in a poorly‐drained Atlantic Coast Flatwoods soil where Cl toxicity of soybean {Glycine max (L.) Merr.} was a problem. Field and greenhouse research was conducted with rates of applied Cl in an effort to induce Cl toxicity in corn. ‘Trojan 114’ corn was grown in the greenhouse with Cl rates (KCl) of 0, 364, and 728 ug/g and in the field with rates of 0, 85, 170, and 340 kg/ha. Potassium sulfate (K2SO4) treatments were included to supply equivalent amounts of K as that in KCl. Phytotoxicity of corn did not occur in greenhouse or field experiments with any fertilizer treatment. In the greenhouse Cl concentrations in 26‐day old corn plants grown in a poorly‐drained Flatwoods soil (Leefield sand ‐ arenic Plinthaquic Paleudult) for the 0 and 728 ug Cl/g treatments were 5.0 and 32.7 g/kg in shoots, 1.6 and 14.9 g/kg in ear leaves, and 1.3 and 16.5 g/kg in stalks, respectively. In the field, Cl treatments applied to corn grown in a poorly‐drained Flatwoods soil (Alapaha sand ‐ arenic Plinthic Paleaquults) were not as effective in increasing Cl concentrations in shoots and ear leaves as that for corn grown in a well‐drained soil (Tifton loamy sand ‐ thermic Plinthic Paleudult) apparently because of the greater amount of residual soil Cl in the poorly‐drained soil. Concentrations of Cl in shoots of corn receiving O and 340 kg Cl/ha were 3.8 and 18.0 g Cl/kg, respectively, for corn grown in the well‐drained soil and 16.1 and 18.0 g Cl/kg, respectively, for corn grown in the poorly‐drained soil. Grain yields were not affected by fertilizer treatments on either soil and Cl concentration in grain for corn grown in the Tifton soil was not different among treatments. These data indicate that corn is not very susceptible to high levels of soil Cl. |