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Long-Term Effect of Lime,Mycorrhiza, and Inorganic and Organic Sources on Soil Fertility,Yield, and Proximate Composition of Sweet Potato in Alfisols of Eastern India
Abstract:A field experiment was conducted for five kharif seasons (2006–2011) in an Alfisol to study the effect of integrated use of lime, mycorrhiza, and inorganic and organics on soil fertility, yield, and proximate composition of sweet potato. Application of graded doses of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) significantly increased the mean tuber yield of sweet potato by 44, 106, and 130 percent over control. Green manuring along with ½ NPK showed greater yield response over that of ½ NPK. The greatest mean tuber yield was recorded due to integrated application of lime, farmyard manure (FYM), NPK, and MgSO4 (13.69 t ha?1) over the other treatments. Inoculation of mycorrhiza combined with lime, FYM, and NPK showed a significant yield response of 10 percent over FYM + NPK. Conjunctive use of lime, inorganics, and organics not only produces sustainable crop yields but also improve soil fertility, nutrient-use efficiency, and apparent nutrient recovery in comparison to NPK and organic manures.
Keywords:Apparent nutrient recovery  NPK  nutrient uptake  nutrient-use efficiency  organic manures  soil properties  tuber yield
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