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Changes of Morphological Parameter of Wheat Seed Pretreatment by the Biocontrol Agents Bacillus subtilis QM3 during Germination
Abstract:Bacillus subtilis QM3, a potential biocontrol agent and useful plant-growth-promoting bacteria (PGRB) from yak dung in China with broad-spectrum and strong antifungal bioactivity, was studied to determine if it either stimulated or inhibited the germination of wheat seeds depending on the amount of bacteria. Germination rate (GR) and length of shoot (LS) increased at 10-fold dilution of QM3 fermentation liquid for 12 h (P < 0.05). Germination potentiality (GP) and root cap ration (RC) decreased at 100-fold dilution of QM3 for 0 h. Length of root (LR) and tips of root (TR) at day 7 remained at control levels at 0-fold dilution of fermentation liquid of QM3 for 24 h. The results obtained suggest that some plant diseases, environmental stresses (such as high salt and heavy metal contents), and difficulties in germination can be controlled or relieved by the use of QM3.
Keywords:Bacillus subtilis  germination assays  morphological parameter
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