Abstract: | ABSTRACTThe Solvita Soil Labile Amino-Nitrogen (SLAN) and Soil CO2-Burst (SSCB) tests are used in soil health assessments. Field experiments were conducted from 2014–2016 in Connecticut, USA to: (1) determine if SLAN and SSCB concentrations are correlated for a sandy loam soil under predominately Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and tall fescue [Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.] turfgrass lawns, and (2) compare the response of SSCB–C and SLAN–N concentrations in relation to varying rates of an organic fertilizer. Concentrations of SLAN–N were positively and significantly (P < .001) correlated with concentrations of SSCB–C for all years, both species, and combinations of years and species (r = 0.477 to 0.754). The response of SSCB–C and SLAN–N concentrations to organic fertilizer rates were positively linear and significant (P < .01) in all cases but one (2014 tall fescue SSCB–C concentrations). Rates of change across fertilizer rates were generally greater for SLAN–N concentrations. There was greater variation within the SSCB test than within the SLAN test. The results suggest that the SLAN and SSCB tests are well-correlated and both may be able to provide an estimate of a turfgrass soil’s N mineralization potential. |