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Growth patterns of Angus, Hereford and shorthorn cattle. I. Comparison of inbred and noninbred lines, changes in patterns over time and effects of level of inbreeding and reproductive performance
Authors:J R McCurley  W T Butts  K P Bovard
Abstract:Mature weight (A) and rate of maturing (K) were estimated for 283 Angus, 140 Hereford and 280 Shorthorn cows utilizing the asymptotic regression equation Yt=A(1-Be-Kt). The Yt was weight of the individual at age t; and B was an estimate related to early life weight changes and provided for a Y-intercept (A-B). Each breed consisted of four inbred and two noninbred lines. Regression of estimated growth curve parameters on levels of inbreeding of the individuals and of their dams and effects of early reproductive performance (EREPRO) were studied as sources of variation in addition to line differences and trends in line values over years. Considered jointly with inbreeding of the dam and with EREPRO, inbreeding of the individual was negatively related (P less than .01) to estimates of A in the three breeds and unrelated (P greater than .10) to estimates of K. Each 1% increase in inbreeding of the individual was associated with about 2 kg decrease in estimated mature weight. An increase in inbreeding of the dam of an individual was negatively related to estimates of K in Angus (P less than .01) and Shorthorns (P less than .05). Inbreeding of dams was positively related to estimates of A in the three breeds, but only in Shorthorns could the relationship be declared significant. Estimates of A were about 46 kg heavier and estimates of K about .010 less for each year an individual failed to produce a calf during her first three opportunities. In general, A values declined in all three breeds during the study. Significant changes were observed in all Hereford analyses and after inbreeding was included in the Angus analysis, while inclusion of inbreeding in the Shorthorn analysis caused the change to become unimportant. The K values increased in all three breeds during the study; however, the change could be declared significant only in Herefords.
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