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引用本文:丛玲美,姚小华,费学谦,王开良,王亚萍,王年金. 长期贮藏对茶油酸值和过氧化值的影响[J]. 林业科学研究, 2007, 20(2): 246-250
作者姓名:丛玲美  姚小华  费学谦  王开良  王亚萍  王年金
作者单位:1. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所,国家林业局亚热带林木培育重点开放性实验室,浙江,富阳,311400
2. 浙江省淳安县林业局,浙江,淳安,311700
摘    要:对长期贮藏在室温、避光条件下的茶油进行酸值和过氧化值测定.结果表明,茶油经过长期贮藏后,其酸值和过氧化值均有所增加,贮藏时间越长,增长速度越快,品质越容易劣变;在相同贮藏条件下,对于浸出成品茶油来说,精炼程度越高,越容易氧化酸败;对于不同工艺的茶油来说,浸出成品茶油比压榨成品茶油更容易氧化酸败.贮藏时间对不同质量等级茶油的酸值和过氧化值影响不同.

关 键 词:茶油  长期贮藏  酸值  过氧化值

Effect of Long-term Storage on Ac id Va lue and Perox ideVa lue of O il2tea Camellia Seed O il
CONG Ling-mei,YAO Xiao-hu,FEI Xue-qian,WANG Kai-liang,WANG Ya-ping and WANG Nian-jin. Effect of Long-term Storage on Ac id Va lue and Perox ideVa lue of O il2tea Camellia Seed O il[J]. Forest Research, 2007, 20(2): 246-250
Authors:CONG Ling-mei  YAO Xiao-hu  FEI Xue-qian  WANG Kai-liang  WANG Ya-ping  WANG Nian-jin
Abstract:The acid value and the peroxide value of standing storaged oil-tea camellia seed oil sample under the room temperature and dark condition were determined. The results showde that under long-term storage condition, both the acid value and the peroxide value of oil-tea camellia seed oil samples increased. The longer the time lasted , the quicker speed increased, and the easier the quality degraded. Under the same storage condition, for different purified solvent extraction oil-tea camellia seed oil, the more purified, the more oxidized;for different process techniques, solvent extraction was oxidized more easily than pressed oil-tea camellia seed oil. So the temperature and time had great effect on acid value and peroxide value of long-term storaged oil-tea camellia seed oil sample.
Keywords:oil-tea camellia seed oil   long-term storage   acid value   peroxide value
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