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引用本文:吴立强,李志坤,王志伟,孟成生,张桂寅,马峙英. 彩色棉品系的SSR分子变异研究[J]. 棉花学报, 2010, 22(2): 115-119. DOI: 1002-7807(2010)02-0115-05
作者姓名:吴立强  李志坤  王志伟  孟成生  张桂寅  马峙英
摘    要:采用SSR分子标记技术对来自12个组合的62份稳定彩色棉新品系进行分子变异分析。结果表明,从242对SSR中筛选出的29对多态性引物在供试材料中共扩增出198个标记。其中,多态性标记115个,占总标记数的58.1%,这些引物能较好地揭示彩色棉的变异位点。MGHES-6引物扩增的多态性标记最多,其次为BNL2960、CM43和MGHES-66。29对SSR引物的PIC值变化在0.493~0.938之间,平均0.790,说明彩色棉SSR等位基因丰富度较高。基于SSR数据的聚类分析,可将62份新品系分为两大类,一类是由彩色棉种质资源经系统选育获得的材料,另一类是通过杂交选育获得的材料。

关 键 词:彩色棉  SSR  分子变异  

Molecular Variation of the Colored Cotton Lines Based on SSR Markers
WU Li-qiang,LI Zhi-kun,WANG Zhi-wei,MENG Cheng-sheng,ZHANG Gui-yin,MA Zhi-ying. Molecular Variation of the Colored Cotton Lines Based on SSR Markers[J]. Cotton Science, 2010, 22(2): 115-119. DOI: 1002-7807(2010)02-0115-05
Authors:WU Li-qiang  LI Zhi-kun  WANG Zhi-wei  MENG Cheng-sheng  ZHANG Gui-yin  MA Zhi-ying
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm Resources of Hebei/a>;Agricultural University of Hebei/a>;Baoding/a>;Hebei 071001/a>;China
Abstract:In the study,SSR molecular marker was used to assess the molecular variation of 62 new lines of colored cottons from 12 combinations.The results showed that 29 of 242 pairs of SSR primers could generate polymorphic markers among the tested colored cotton lines.The total number of markers was 195,and the polymorphic markers were 115,accounted for 58.1%.MGHES-6 primer had the most polymorphic markers,followed by BNL2960,CM43 and MGHES-66.These primers could detect the variable SSR sites of the tested cottons ...
Keywords:colored cotton  SSR  molecular variation  
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