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引用本文:华俊,谢彬,黄红梅,袁书智,白安斌,吴健敏. 石龟嗜水气单孢菌的分离鉴定及药敏特性研究[J]. 广西农业科学, 2010, 41(3): 273-276
作者姓名:华俊  谢彬  黄红梅  袁书智  白安斌  吴健敏
作者单位:1. 广西兽医研究所,南宁,530001
2. 广西兽医研究所,南宁,530001;惠朋动物药业有限责任公司,南宁,530001
3. 惠朋动物药业有限责任公司,南宁,530001
摘    要:从患病石龟上分离获得1株革兰氏阴性杆菌,菌体细长、无芽孢和荚膜,在山羊血琼脂平板上能形成明显的β-溶血圈。经小白鼠致病性试验、生理生化鉴定及16SrRNA序列分析,确定该分离株为致病性嗜水气单孢菌。经同源性及遗传进化分析发现,该菌株与嗜水气单孢菌B27、HSO2(Genbank登录号:FJ494900.1、FJ562211.1)同源性高达99.5%。而药敏试验表明,该分离株除了对赛福欣(复方恩诺沙星)、肠清(复方乳酸环丙沙星)2种药物高度敏感外,对大部分抗菌素均不敏感。

关 键 词:石龟  嗜水气单孢菌  分离鉴定  16S  rRNA  药敏特性

Isolation and identification of Aeromonas hydrophila from Mauremys mutica Cantor and its antibiotic sensitivity
HUA Jun,XIE Bin,,HUANG Hong-mei,YUAN Shu-zhi,BAI An-bin,WU Jian-min. Isolation and identification of Aeromonas hydrophila from Mauremys mutica Cantor and its antibiotic sensitivity[J]. Guangxi Agricultural Sciences, 2010, 41(3): 273-276
Authors:HUA Jun  XIE Bin    HUANG Hong-mei  YUAN Shu-zhi  BAI An-bin  WU Jian-min
Affiliation:1 Guangxi Veterinary Research Institute;Nanning 530001;China;2 Huipeng Animal Drugs Co.Ltd.;Nanning;Guangxi 530001;China
Abstract:The secretions of throat, liver and lungs were sampled from young diseased Mauremys mutica Cantor, from Wuming, Nanning, Guangxi. One gram negative bacilli was isolated which was without spore and capsule, having gracile thallus and showed β-haemolysis on SBA. Pathogenicity tests, physiological and biochemical characteristics identification, antibiotic sensitivity test and sequence analysis of 16S rRNA showed that it was a strain of Aeromonas hydrophila (08- 228-1R). The homology and inheritance evolution analysis of 16S rRNA showed 99.5% homology of this strain with Aeromonas hydrophila strains B27 and HSO2 (locus number: FJ494900.1 and FJ562211.1). In addition, the strain was highly sensitive to Saifuxing (Compound Enrofloxacin), Changqing (Compound Ciprofloxacin lactate), but insensitive to other antibiotics.
Keywords:Mauremys mutica Cantor  Aeromonas hydrophila  isolation and identification  16S rRNA  antibiotic sensitivity  
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