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引用本文:徐广平 王静 黄玉清 何成新 莫凌 王新桂 孙英杰 曾丹娟. 桂林会仙岩溶湿地不同富营养化水体水葫芦营养成分研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2012, 28(26): 262-266
作者姓名:徐广平 王静 黄玉清 何成新 莫凌 王新桂 孙英杰 曾丹娟
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划课题“漓江流域面源污染控制和水土流失治理技术研究和示范”(2012BAC16B02); 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划资助项目“桂西南石漠化地区不同土地利用方式下土壤碳库特征及碳截获作用机理”(科发人教字[2011]180号); 广西科技攻关课题“漓江流域中小城镇污水生态修复技术和原位净化技术研究与开发”(桂科攻0815004-2-7); “漓江流域生态保护与旅游可持续发展关键技术研究与示范”(桂科攻0816003-1-8); 桂林市科技计划项目“漓江流域典型丘陵区生态重建的关键技术示范研究”(20090111-2)
摘    要:

关 键 词:风险评估体系  风险评估体系  

Determinations of Nutrient Chemical Components in Eichhornia crassipes Sloms-laub from Different Eutrophic Waters in Huixian Karst Wet lands, Guilin, China
Xu Guangping , Shen Yuyi , He Chengxin , Wang Jing , Huang Yuqing , Mo Ling , Wang Xingui , Sun Yingjie , Zeng Danjuan. Determinations of Nutrient Chemical Components in Eichhornia crassipes Sloms-laub from Different Eutrophic Waters in Huixian Karst Wet lands, Guilin, China[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2012, 28(26): 262-266
Authors:Xu Guangping    Shen Yuyi    He Chengxin    Wang Jing    Huang Yuqing    Mo Ling    Wang Xingui    Sun Yingjie    Zeng Danjuan
Affiliation:(Guangxi Institute of Botany,Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guilin 541006)
In order to achieve pollution prevention and comprehensive utilization of Eichhornia crassipes Sloms-laub from different levels eutrophic waters in Huixian Karst Wet lands of typical tourist area at Guilin City.The paper adopted the method of spatial sequence instead of time successional sequence,nutrient chemical components in Eichhornia crassipes Sloms-laub were determined.The order of different nutrient chemical components including TOC,EE,lignin,cellulose,hemicellulose,carbohydrate,organs of height,root length,proportions of root in total weight,Ca,Mg,Na,Mn,Zn and Fe in Eichhornia crassipes Sloms-laub was:light eutrophication areaMedium eutrophication areaSevere eutrophication area.On the contrary,there were more nutrient elements of TN,TP,TK,CP,Ash,proportions of stem,leaf in total weight,Cu,Cr,Pb,As,Hg at severe eutrophication area than light eutrophication area.It has different nutrient chemical component at different growing environment.There was obviously correlation between height,root length and concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in water of Huixian Karst Wet lands.Eichhornia crassipes Sloms-laub could absorb a large amount of nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium compound and have certain purification function.
Keywords:Eichhornia crassipes Sloms-laub  nutrient chemical components  eutrophication  determination
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