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引用本文:任迪峰,王建中,王晓楠. 地黄和麦冬干燥质量退化动力学研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2004, 26(1): 70-73
作者姓名:任迪峰  王建中  王晓楠
摘    要:采用高效液相色谱法 ,以林区中药材地黄有效成分梓醇、麦冬有效成分总黄酮的含量为检测指标 ,考察其在干燥过程中的质量退化过程 .通过 40、55、70℃静态恒温、恒湿水浴试验确定了梓醇、总黄酮降解阶数 ,分析结果符合一级化学反应动力学方程式 ;进而通过不同热风温度、不同初始含水率、不同风速下薄层干燥试验 ,测定不同时间梓醇、总黄酮含量 ,经多元线性回归确定模型参数 ,获得了地黄、麦冬干燥过程中的质量预测模型 ,并对模型进行了验证 .分析结果表明 ,预测模型能较好地反映地黄、麦冬质量与干燥温度、时间及含水率的关系 ,数值拟和程度良好 ,可用来进行地黄、麦冬干燥过程中有效成分含量变化的模拟 ,为干燥过程寻找较佳的干燥参数组合提供依据

关 键 词:地黄  麦冬  药材干燥  质量退化动力学  预测模型

Deteriorative kinetics of Rehmannia glutinosa and Ophiopogon japonicus during drying
Ren Difeng,Wang Jianzhong,Wang Xiaonan. School of Biological Science and Biot echnology,Beijing For. Univ.,,P. R. China.. Deteriorative kinetics of Rehmannia glutinosa and Ophiopogon japonicus during drying[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2004, 26(1): 70-73
Authors:Ren Difeng  Wang Jianzhong  Wang Xiaonan. School of Biological Science  Biot echnology  Beijing For. Univ.    P. R. China.
Affiliation:Ren Difeng,Wang Jianzhong,Wang Xiaonan. School of Biological Science and Biot echnology,Beijing For. Univ.,100083,P. R. China.
Abstract:Curative composition Catolpol in Rehmannia glutinosa and Flavone in Ophiop ogon japonicus were measured respecti vely by High Performance Liquid Chromatography to investigate the deterioration during the drying process. Deterioration orders of Catolpol and Flavone were det ermined by water bath experiment under the condition of static constant temperat ure and moisture content under 40, 55 and 70℃. The results conform to the kinetics equation for one order chemical reaction. With parameters determin ed by the multi-factor linear regression of experiment data under different dry i ng wind temperatures, different initial moisture contents and different wind spe eds, the prospective deterioration control model for the drying process of Reh mannia glutinosa and Ophiopogon japonicus was obtained, and its availabili ty was veri fied in the experiment. The results show that the prospective model can reflect the effects of drying temperature, time and moisture content on the quality of R ehmannia glutinosa and Ophiopogon japonicus well with high data fitness an d can be used to simulate the content change of curative compositions during the dryin g process of Rehmannia glutinosa and Ophiopogon japonicus, and finally provide references for determining effective parameter combinations of the dryin g proc ess.
Keywords:Rehmannia glutinosa   Ophiopogon japonicus   medicinal materials drying   deter iorative kinetics   forecast model
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