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引用本文:张春珍,李文信,郭红刚,陈晓敏,吴彦霏. 不同贮存期对海兰褐祖代种鸡受精蛋孵化率的影响[J]. 农业科学研究, 2011, 32(3): 34-36
作者姓名:张春珍  李文信  郭红刚  陈晓敏  吴彦霏
作者单位:1. 宁夏大学农学院,宁夏银川,750021
2. 平罗县通伏乡畜牧兽医工作站,宁夏平罗,753400
摘    要:
通过不同贮存时间对海兰褐祖代鸡孵化率影响的研究,为规模化种鸡场孵化管理提供参考.试验将来源相同的种蛋分别贮存2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10,1、1 d,其他贮存条件相同.同机同批孵化,分析其受精蛋孵化率.实验结果表明:贮存9 d以内的种蛋,各贮存日龄间受精蛋孵化率差异不显著(P>0.05);贮存2 d与10 d;8 d、9 d与11 d间受精蛋孵化率差异显著(P<0.05);贮存2~7 d分别与贮存10 d,贮存3~4 d分别与贮存11 d之间的受精蛋孵化率差异均达到极显著(P<0.01),保存期超过9 d后,受精蛋孵化率明显降低(P<0.01).

关 键 词:海兰褐鸡  种蛋  贮存时间  孵化效果

Effect of different storage time on the hatching rate of fertilized eggs of Hailan breeding stock
Zhang Chunzhen,Li Wenxin,Guo Honggang,Chen Xiaomin,Wu Yanfei. Effect of different storage time on the hatching rate of fertilized eggs of Hailan breeding stock[J]. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2011, 32(3): 34-36
Authors:Zhang Chunzhen  Li Wenxin  Guo Honggang  Chen Xiaomin  Wu Yanfei
Affiliation:1(1.School of Agriculture,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China;2.The Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Workstations of Pingluo County,Pingluo 753400,China)
This experiment studied on the different effects on Hailan hatching rates for a condition to exactly the same temperature,relative humidity ventilated etc.,but storage time was different.Results show that interactions of less than 9 d preserved eggs for hatch rates of fertilized eggs has no significant(P0.05).There is significant(P0.05) difference of the hatch rates between 2 d preserved eggs and 10 d preserved eggs,and between 8 d,9 d preserved eggs and 11 d preserved eggs.There is extremely significant(P0.01) difference of the hatch rates between 2~7 d preserved eggs and 11 d preserved eggs,and between 8~4 d preserved eggs and 10d preserved eggs.
Keywords:Hatching  eggs  storage time  hatching effects
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