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作者姓名:张述英  何晓明  葛丽民
摘    要:华北地区、冬春两季气侯干寒,是早春蔬菜生产的限制性因素,也是长期以来造成我省蔬菜淡季长、早春缺菜严重的根本原因。为解决淡季蔬菜供应,鲜菜提前上市、品种多样化。提高小拱棚覆盖栽培的经济效益。作者自1983年起连续两年采用简易的小拱棚覆盖,一膜两用,甘兰、西葫芦两种作物均获高产,经济效益显著增加,其方法是;先盖早熟甘兰一个月左右,然后,再用同一设备隔畦覆盖西葫芦,这样做不仅操作方便,节省材料,降低成本,同露地相比,鲜菜可提前15天左右上市,同时本文详尽的分析了棚温的变化规律和两种作物产量形成与棚内生态因素的相关性。

A Study of improving the Financial Effect of Arched Covering With vingl Film On Vegetable Production
Abstract:The dry and cool weather during winter and spring in North China is the limiting factor of vigetable production in early spring.This is the basic cause that results the absence of fresh vigetalbes in the market dur- ing these seasons since ancient times.For meeting the urgent needs of vegetable market in early APring,as will as increasing the net income of growers,a re-utilization of a single Set of vinylon film Arched Covering was designed and tested.The covering is first used on early cabbage(Br- assica oleracea Var.Capitata)abaut one month.The second covered crop is summer Squash(cucurbita pepol.)The yield withen the first mo- nth of Cabbage and Summer Squash is 5115 chin/mow and 6181 chin/mow sespectively.The income of both together is 2033.3yuan.The re-use of the same set of covering is not only reduee the cost of prodution but also supp- lies the fresh vegetables the market earliez ab out 15 days than uncovered field.
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