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引用本文:叶江华,张奇,刘德发,刘扬,贾小丽,李奇松,徐斌,暨小红,张渤. 武夷肉桂茶品质差异分析及其与矿质元素间的关系[J]. 茶叶通讯, 2021, 48(1): 105-113. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-525X.2021.01.015
作者姓名:叶江华  张奇  刘德发  刘扬  贾小丽  李奇松  徐斌  暨小红  张渤
作者单位:武夷学院 茶与食品学院,福建 武夷山 354300;武夷山市茶业局,福建 武夷山 354300;福建农林大学 根系生物学研究中心,福建 福州 350002
摘    要:为探明不同等级武夷肉桂茶品质差异,分析造成茶叶品质差异的原因,以649个不同等级武夷肉桂茶为研究对象,分别进行感官审评及主要滋味物质和矿质元素测定。结果表明:获奖肉桂茶滋味物质含量比未入围肉桂茶丰富。不同等级武夷肉桂茶除K、Mg、Mn、Co外,大多数矿质元素含量之间没有显著差异。限制性主坐标轴分析表明,品质指标对武夷肉桂茶等级间差异的总差异解释达到43.391%,矿质元素解释度仅有26.996%。热图分析表明,武夷肉桂茶RA(特等奖)和RB(一等奖)在总黄酮、可溶性糖、茶多酚、咖啡因、EGCG、EGC、GC、GCG等指标显著积累,其酚氨比更高,RC(优质奖)和RD(未入围)在Mn和Mg有显著积累。相关性分析表明,武夷肉桂茶等级与茶多酚、EGCG、酚氨比、咖啡碱、ECG、EGC呈显著正相关,与Mn含量呈显著负相关。研究结果可为客观判别武夷肉桂茶的品质差异提供一定的理论依据。

关 键 词:肉桂茶  滋味物质  矿质元素  武夷山  茶叶

Analysis on the Quality Difference of Wuyi Rougui Tea and Its Relationship with Mineral Elements
YE Jianghua,ZHANG Qi,LIU Defa,LIU Yang,JIA Xiaoli,LI Qishong,XU Bin,JI Xiaohong,ZHANG Bo. Analysis on the Quality Difference of Wuyi Rougui Tea and Its Relationship with Mineral Elements[J]. Tea Communication, 2021, 48(1): 105-113. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-525X.2021.01.015
Authors:YE Jianghua  ZHANG Qi  LIU Defa  LIU Yang  JIA Xiaoli  LI Qishong  XU Bin  JI Xiaohong  ZHANG Bo
Affiliation:(College of Tea and Food Science,Wuyi University,Wuyishan 353400,China;Tea Bureau of Wuyishan City,Wuyishan 353400,China;Root Biology Research Center,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,China)
Abstract:In order to find out the quality difference of different grades of Wuyi Rougui tea and analyze the reasons for the difference of tea quality,649 different grades of Wuyi Rougui tea were used as the research materials,and the sensory evaluation and determination of main taste substances and mineral elements were carried out respectively.The results showed that the content of taste substances of award-winning Wuyi Rougui Tea was richer than that of non-award-winning Wuyi Rougui Tea.Except for K,Mg,Mn and Co,there was no significant difference in the content of most mineral elements in Wuyi Rougui tea with different grades.According to the restrictive principal axis analysis,the interpretation rate of quality index to the difference between the grades of Wuyi Rougui tea was 43.391%,while the interpretation rate of mineral elements was only 26.996%.The results of heat map analysis showed that RA(Special Prize)and RB(First Prize)of Wuyi Rougui tea had significant accumulation in total flavonoids, soluble sugar, tea polyphenols, caffeine, EGCG, EGC,GC and GCG, and their phenolamine ratios were higher. RC(High-quality Award) and RD(No Prize) had significant accumulationin Mn and Mg. The correlation analysis showed that the grade of Wuyi Rougui tea was positively correlated with tea polyphenols,EGCG, phenolamine ratio, caffeine, ECG and EGC, and negatively correlated with Mn content. The results of this study areexpected to provide a certain theoretical basis for objectively distinguishing the quality difference of Wuyi Rougui Tea.
Keywords:Rougui Tea  Taste substance  Mineral element  Wuyi mountain  Tea
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