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Early weaning of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus Walbaum) larvae on a commercial microencapsulated diet
Authors:I Ben Khemis ,C Audet,R Fournier,&   J de la Noü  e
Affiliation:Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski (ISMER), Universitédu Québec àRimouski, Rimouski (QC), Canada G5L 3A1;GREREBA, UniversitéLaval, Québec (QC), Canada G1K 7P4
Abstract:Like most small marine fish larvae, the stomachs of winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus are undeveloped at first feeding and have relatively reduced digestive capacity. This work was undertaken to test whether larvae at the onset of stomach differentiation (larval size about 5.5 mm) could be early weaned onto a commercial microencapsulated diet. We assessed the effect of early weaning by first comparing growth performance (standard length, total protein content and age at metamorphosis) of larvae fed enriched live prey from first feeding to a size of 5.5 mm and then reared on three different feeding regimes until metamorphosis: (1) live prey (LP) as a control group; (2) mixed feeding of live prey and microencapsulated diet (LP‐ME); (3) exclusively microencapsulated diet (ME) after fast weaning over 4 days (to a larval size of 6.2 mm). No differences were observed between larval development in the two first groups, which began metamorphosis at 40 days old. The larvae of the third group showed significantly slower growth that resulted in a delay of 4 days in the onset of metamorphosis. Differences in live prey availability between the treatments and the short transition period to allow the larvae to adapt to the new diet were identified as possible contributing factors to the slower growth and to the delay in metamorphosis of early weaned larvae. In a second experiment, the transitional weaning period was increased until the larvae were 6.6 mm in length. Weaning at that size resulted in no slowing of growth or delay in metamorphosis, suggesting that the feeding schedule was adequate.
Keywords:first-feeding    larvae    microencapsulated diet    Pseudopleuronectes americanus    weaning
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