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Comparison of different egg albumen fractions as sources of ovomucin
Authors:Hiidenhovi Jaakko  Mäkinen Jarkko  Huopalahti Rainer  Ryhänen Eeva-Liisa
Affiliation:MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Food Research, FIN-31600 Jokioinen, Finland. jaako.hiidenhovi@mtt.fi
Ovomucin was fractionated from whole egg albumen, thick egg albumen, liquid egg albumen, and a liquid egg albumen filtration byproduct by using the isoelectric precipitation method. The amounts of ovomucin measured in the above-mentioned fractions were 280, 340, 500, and 520 mg per 100 g of albumen, respectively. There was great variation between the beta-ovomucin contents of the different albumen fractions. Whole egg albumen contained about 25 mg of beta-ovomucin in 100 g of albumen, whereas thick egg albumen, liquid egg albumen, and the filtration byproduct contained about 1.5, 3, and 5 times more beta-ovomucin, respectively, as compared to whole egg albumen. The results indicate that both the liquid egg albumen fraction and especially the filtration byproduct fraction appear to be potential sources of ovomucin when it is used as an ingredient for functional foods.
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