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引用本文:陈秀敏,魏海军,杨镒峰,崔学哲,宁浩然,赵蒙,宋兴超,薛海龙,杨福合,李志和. 吉林梅花鹿发情期卵泡发育波研究[J]. 特产研究, 2013, 0(4): 14-18
作者姓名:陈秀敏  魏海军  杨镒峰  崔学哲  宁浩然  赵蒙  宋兴超  薛海龙  杨福合  李志和
作者单位:[1]中国农业科学院特产研究所,长春130112 [2]湛江金鹿实业发展有限公司,广东湛江524038
摘    要:本研究通过直肠B超技术监测了经过2种同期发情处理(CIDR+PG+PMSG和1G)的9头吉林梅花鹿发情周期卵泡动态发育情况。实验得出:梅花鹿的卵泡发育均呈波形发育,1个发情周期由1—3个卵泡波组成。3个1波周期,3个2波周期,2个3波周期。1波周期的长度是5.3d±0.6d,2波周期的长度是12.3d±4.0d,3波周期的长度是25.5d±2.1d。未发情的216号梅花鹿在整个观察期中出现2个卵泡发育波,而未发情的1号鹿卵泡发育没有出现明显的波。1波周期梅花鹿的最大卵泡平均直径(5.4mm±0.5mm),比2波周期中第1个(5.1mm±0.6mm)和第2个内波的最大卵泡平均直径(4.8mm±0.5mm)和3波周期中第2个内波的最大卵泡平均直径(5.2mm±0.4mm)都大(P〉0.05),比3波周期中第1个和第3个内波的最大卵泡平均直径(分别是5.6mm±0.3mm和5.7mm±1.1mm)小(P〉0.05)。2波和3波周期中的所有内波的最大卵泡平均直径差异显著(P〈0.05),2波周期中的最大卵泡比3波周期中的直径小。2波周期的内波间隔(6.0d±1.4d)比3波周期的所有内波间隔(9.8d±1.5d和5.7d±1.rid)明显短(P〉0.05)。1波周期生长持续期是4.5d±0.7d,2波周期生长持续期(4.7d±1.5d和4.0d±1.7d)和3波周期中卵泡的生长持续期(4.5d±2.1d、6.5d±2.1d和2.5d±0.7d)差异不显著(P〉0.05)。2波周期中第1波(0.5mm/d±0.3mm/d)和第2波的生长速率(0.5mm/d±0.2mm/d)没有显著差异(P〉0.05)。排卵波和闭锁内波的卵泡生长持续期也没有显著差异(P〉0.05)。

关 键 词:吉林梅花鹿  发情期  卵泡波

Study on Follicular Waves of Jilin Sika Deer during Estrous Cycle
Affiliation:CHEN Xiu - min1, WEI Hai - jun1, YANG Yi - feng1, CUI Xue - zhe1, NING Hao - rant, ZHAO Meng1, SONG Xing - chao1, XUE Hal - long1, YANG Fu - he1, LI Zhi - he2 ( 1. Institute of Special Wild Economic Animals and Plants, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changehun 130112, China; 2. Zhanjiang Deer Industry Development Company Limited, Zhanjiang 524038, China)
Abstract:The studies were to investigate the follicular dynamics during spontaneous and PGF2α- induced oestrous cycles of 9 mature hinds by B - mode transrectal ultrasonography. Results indicated as follows: CIDR + PMSG + PC- group had three deer estrus synchronization 72h in average after the withdrawal of CIDR(3/4).PG group had two deer estrous on day 20 after deal(2/5). No.520,3,4 had two estrus cycles(about 19,13 and 17 days long respectively),the others only rut once.There were eight complete estrous cycles in nine deer,three of them were induced cycles and five of them were natural cycles. Both in the induced cycles and the natural cycles, follicle development was considered wave - like, 1,2 or 3 follicular waves were discovered in one estrous cycle in sika deer in Jihn,including three one - wave cycles,three two - wave cycles and two three- wave cycles. The length of one- wave, two- wave and three wave cycles were 5.3d ± 0.6d, 12.3d ± 4.0d and 25.5d ± 2.1 d, respectively. No. 1 and No. 216 did not rut during the whole experiment period, the former had no follicular waves and the latter had two follicular waves. The largest follicle of one- wave cycle(5.4mm ± 0.5mm) was larger than the largest follicles in the first(5.1mm + 0.6mm) and second(4.8mm ± 0.5mm) wave of two- wave cycles and the second wave(5.2mm ± 0.4mm) of three- wave cycles( P 〉 0.05), was smaller than the largest follicle in the first(5.6mm ±0.3mm) and third(5.7mm ± 1.1 mm) wave of three - wave cycles( P 〉 0.05). The largest follicles of all the waves of two - ,and three cycles were significantly different( P 〈 0.05) ,the largest follicles of two - wave cycles were smaller than that of three- wave cycles.All the interwave intervals in three- wave cycles(9.8d ± 1.5d and 5.7d± 1.4d) were longer than the inter- wave interval(6.0d ± 1.4d) in two- wave cycles( P 〉 0.05). The duration of growth in one - wave cycle was 4.5d ± 0.7d. The duration of growth(4.7d ± 1.5d and 4.0d ±1.7d) in two - wave cycles and three - wave cycles (4.5d ± 2.1 d, 6.5d ± 2. 1 d and 2.5d ± 0.7d) were not significantly different( P 〉 0.05) .The growth rates of the frrst(0.5mm/d ±0.3mm/d) and second wave(0.5mm/d ±0.2mm/d) in two - wave cycles were also different( P 〉 0.05). There was no difference of the duration of growth in the ovulatory waves and anovulatory waves( P 〉 0.05).
Keywords:Jilin sika deer  Estrous cycles  follicular wave
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