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引用本文:刘烜孜,赵凯. 杨凌示范区对关中各市农业经济增长的效应分析[J]. 广东农业科学, 2011, 38(21)
作者姓名:刘烜孜  赵凯
摘    要:

关 键 词:杨凌  农业经济增长关联性  协整检验  格兰杰因果检验  广义脉冲响应函数  

Study on correlation of agricultural growth between Yangling and central Shanxi
LIU Xuan-zi,ZHAO Kai. Study on correlation of agricultural growth between Yangling and central Shanxi[J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences, 2011, 38(21)
Authors:LIU Xuan-zi  ZHAO Kai
Affiliation:LIU Xuan-zi,ZHAO Kai(College of Economic and Management,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,Shanxi)
With the data from Shanxi statistical yearbook and local statistics reports,using cointegration test,Granger causality test and generalized impulse response function,this paper investigated the growth correlation between Yangling and other regions of Guanzhong area.The results showed taht correlations of total production were better than correlations of personal production,correlations of production were better than correlations of production increase.Second,one region's interfered increase only had short-t...
Keywords:Yangling  correlation of agricultural increase  cointegration test  Granger causality test  generalized impulse response function  
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