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引用本文:王琪,马树庆,郭建平,张铁林,于海,徐丽萍. 温度变化对东北春玉米生长发育速率的影响[J]. 现代农业科技, 2011, 0(7): 46-48
作者姓名:王琪  马树庆  郭建平  张铁林  于海  徐丽萍
基金项目:国家行业专项(GYHY20096021); 国家科技支撑项目(2006BAD04B02)
摘    要:为了明确当代农业和气候变化条件下气温对玉米生长速率的影响,在吉林省榆树市开展玉米分期播种试验。试验采用3个品种和3个播种期,进行玉米发育期和温度等项观测。结果表明,温度对玉米各阶段生长速率的影响呈显著的线性关系,平均气温提高1℃,出苗速率提升18%,幼苗生长速率提升7%~8%,出苗至乳熟期生长速率提高13.2%左右,生殖生长和灌浆成熟速率提升8%。在出苗至成熟期间(主要生长季),如果平均温度每升高1℃,生长速率提升17.0%,生育期可以缩短14 d左右,则玉米低温冷害将减轻,可以采用更晚熟的玉米品种,从而提高单产。因此,东北地区夏半年气候变暖对玉米生产是有利的。

关 键 词:春玉米  分期播种  生长速率  东北地区

Effect of Temperature Change on Maize Growth Rate in Northeast China
WANG Qi,MA Shu-qing,GUO Jian-ping,ZHANG Tie-lin,YU Hai,XU Li-ping. Effect of Temperature Change on Maize Growth Rate in Northeast China[J]. Modern Agricultural Sciences and Technology, 2011, 0(7): 46-48
Authors:WANG Qi  MA Shu-qing  GUO Jian-ping  ZHANG Tie-lin  YU Hai  XU Li-ping
Affiliation:WANG Qi 1 MA Shu-qing 2 GUO Jian-ping 3 ZHANG Tie-lin 4 YU Hai 4 XU Li-ping 4(1 Institute of Meteorological Science of Jilin Province,Changchun Jilin 130062,2 Meteorological Observatory of Jilin Province,3 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,4 Agrometeorological Observatory of Yushu City in Jilin Province)
Abstract:In order to clarify the effect of temperature change on maize growth rate in the conditions of contemporary agriculture and climate change,a sowing data experiment with three varieties and three seeding time was carry out in Yushu City of Jilin Province.The maize growth periods and temperature were observed in fields.The results showed that the temperature on maize growth rate of all stages showed a significant linear relationship.Average temperature rose 1 ℃,18% faster emergence,seedling growth rate increased of 7% to 8%,13.2% growth rate increased in period from emerge to milk,and 8% faster in the period of milk and mature(from handing to mature).If mean temperature rose 1 ℃,17.0% about growth rate increased in the stage from emerge to mature,the growth period can be shortened about 14 d.Thus,maize chilling injury will reduce,and yield increasing obviously by using the more late-maturing varieties of maize.Therefore,the climate warming in Northeast China in summer is beneficial for maize production.
Keywords:spring maize  sowing by stages  growth rate  Northeast China  
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