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引用本文:李信申,邹丽芳,蔡耀辉,黄瑞荣,华菊玲. 江西省细菌性条斑病菌的致病型划分和水稻抗性资源的鉴定[J]. 植物病理学报, 2017, 47(6): 808-815
作者姓名:李信申  邹丽芳  蔡耀辉  黄瑞荣  华菊玲
作者单位:江西省农业科学院植物保护研究所,南昌 330200;
上海交通大学农业与生物学院,上海 200240;
江西省超级水稻研究发展中心/国家水稻工程实验室,南昌 330200
摘    要:为探明江西省水稻细菌性条斑病菌(Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzicola,Xoc)的致病力分化水平和品种资源的抗病性,本研究利用IRBB5、IRBB14、IR24、IRBB4、IRBB21和金刚30等6个鉴别品种,将分离自江西6个稻区的129株Xoc菌株划分为C1~C9 9个致病型;发现仅C5对鉴别品种IRBB4、C7对鉴别品种IRBB21表现为强互作关系;不同稻区的Xoc优势种群呈现多样性。孕穗期抗性测定结果显示:124个籼稻品种中,对C2型菌株5-16表现为中抗的品种仅占8.06%,对C6型菌株08-3-2表现为抗的品种占14.5%;252个东乡野生稻单株中,1株单株(东113)对C2型菌株表现高抗,14个单株表现抗性。东乡野生稻苗期注射接种结果显示,苗期抗病性与孕穗期抗性呈显著相关性,但苗期抗病性普遍低于孕穗期抗性,仅东113表现为中抗。但东乡野生稻对于Xoc的抗病性明显强于栽培稻,从野生稻中寻找抗性资源将是培育抗病品种的理想途径之一。

关 键 词:栽培稻  东乡野生稻  抗性鉴定  水稻细菌性条斑病菌  致病型  

Pathotype monitoring of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola and resistance identification of rice varieties to bacterial leaf streak in Jiangxi Province
LI Xin shen,ZOU Li fang,CAI Yao hui,HUANG Rui rong,HUA Ju ling. Pathotype monitoring of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola and resistance identification of rice varieties to bacterial leaf streak in Jiangxi Province[J]. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 2017, 47(6): 808-815
Authors:LI Xin shen  ZOU Li fang  CAI Yao hui  HUANG Rui rong  HUA Ju ling
Affiliation:Plant Protection Institute, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanchang 330200, China;
School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;
Jiangxi Super rice Research and Development Center/National Engineering Laboratory of Rice, Nanchang 330200, China
Abstract:To investigate the pathogenicity differentiation levels of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc), six differential cultivars, IRBB5, IRBB14, IR24, IRBB4, IRBB21 and Jingang 30,were used to identify 129 Xoc strains isolated from six rice growing areas in Jiangxi Province. These Xoc strains were classified into nine pathotypes from C1 to C9 according to their pathogenicity, whereas, only C5 and C7 showed strong interaction with differential cultivars IRBB4 and IRBB21, respectively. In addition, the predominant Xoc pathotypes in different rice growing areas showed diversity. Also, three typical Xoc strains were used to inoculate 124 indica rice varieties and 252 Dongxiang wild rice varieties during the booting stage, the results indicated that among 124 indica rice varieties, 8.06% varieties exhibited moderate resistance to the C2 strain 5 16 and 14.5% exhibited resis tance to the C6 strain 08 3 2; for 252 Dongxiang wild rice varieties, only one, Dong 113, exhibited high level resistance and 14 showed resistance to the C2 strain. The seedling stage resistance identification results of 252 Dongxiang wild rice varieties suggested that there were significant correlation between the seedling stage resis tance and the booting stage resistance, However, the seedling stage resistance of most of the varieties are generally weaker than that of the booting stage resistance, only Dong 113 exhibited moderate resistance to the C2 strain. Taken together, disease resistance of the Dongxiang wild rice varieties to Xoc are higher than that of the cultivated rice varieties, and looking for resistance genes from the Dongxiang wild rice varieties will be one of the perfect ways to develop disease resistant varieties to Xoc.
Keywords:cultivated rice variety   Oryzae sativa f. spontanea Roschev.   resistance evaluation   Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola   pathotype  
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