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引用本文:姚全杰,郭焕强,陈琳,郎晓威,郭刚刚,刘秀峰,王凤涛,冯晶,徐世昌,蔺瑞明. 大麦种质对叶斑病的抗性鉴定与评价[J]. 植物病理学报, 2019, 49(1): 75-82
作者姓名:姚全杰  郭焕强  陈琳  郎晓威  郭刚刚  刘秀峰  王凤涛  冯晶  徐世昌  蔺瑞明
作者单位:中国农业科学院植物保护研究所,植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室,北京 100193;
中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,北京 100081;
天津市农作物研究所,天津 300384
摘    要: 由麦根腐平脐蠕胞菌引起的叶斑病在世界各大麦种植区均有发生,严重影响大麦的产量和品质。选育和应用抗性品种是防控该病害最有效的策略,然而可利用的抗源非常有限。在本研究中对中国233份具有代表性的大麦种质资源进行成株期抗叶斑病田间人工接种鉴定,发现只有垦啤麦5号等10份材料对3个供试菌株都表现抗病,仅占供试材料的4.3%。另外对37份国内外重要的叶斑病抗源材料进行苗期及成株期抗叶斑病鉴定,结果显示成株期抗叶斑病材料所占比例为41%~46%,苗期抗性材料所占比例为50%~64%,其中ND17293等11份材料在苗期和成株期对3个菌株均表现为抗病,可作为抗源继续加以利用;基于上述鉴定结果,进一步分析发现供试大麦苗期对三个菌株的抗病比例均高于成株期抗病比例,说明大麦在不同生育期对叶斑病的抗性存在较大差异。另外发现大麦对B. sorokiniana不同致病类型的抗性也存在明显的专化性。

关 键 词:大麦  叶斑病  根腐病  成株抗性  苗期抗性  

Investigation and evaluation of barley germplasm accessions resistance to spot blotch
YAO Quan-jie,GUO Huan-qiang,CHEN Lin,Lang Xiao-wei,GUO Gang-gang,LIU Xiu-feng,WANG Feng-tao,FENG Jing,XU Shi-chang,LIN Rui-ming. Investigation and evaluation of barley germplasm accessions resistance to spot blotch[J]. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 2019, 49(1): 75-82
Authors:YAO Quan-jie  GUO Huan-qiang  CHEN Lin  Lang Xiao-wei  GUO Gang-gang  LIU Xiu-feng  WANG Feng-tao  FENG Jing  XU Shi-chang  LIN Rui-ming
Affiliation:State Key Laboratory for Plant Disease and Insect Pests, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193,China;
Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081 ,China;
Tianjin Crops Research Institute, Tianjin 300384 ,China
Abstract:Barley spot blotch, initiated by the fungal pathogen , happened frequently in most barley-grown areas in the world, and caused serious barley yield losses and also decreased grain quality. Development and wider application of resistant barley cultivars was the most effective control strategy for spot blotch. However, few barley resistance genes or genotypes to spot blotch were available in breeding programs. In this study, 233 representive barley germplasm accessions originating from China were screened for spot blotch resistance by artificial inoculation in adult-plant stage. Only 10 accessions among them such as Kenpimai 5 showed high resistance to all three isolates used, accounting for 4.3%. Another 37 spot blotch resistance barley lines from domestic and foreign were also evaluated for resistance levels to B.sorokiniana isolates in adult-plant and seedling stages respectively. The results showed that 41%-46% of the 37 accessions were resistant to spot blotch in adult-plant stage, but in seedling stage the resistance percentage ranged from 50% to 64%.Eleven barley lines such as ND 17293 were resistant to all three isolates used both in adult-plant and seedling stages. These resistance lines can be still utilized as resistance sources. Based on the spot blotch resistance identification results with 3 isolates, resistance percentage of the barley accessions in seedling stage was usually higher than in adult-plant stage, indicating that there is great difference between barley seeding and adult-plant resistance to spot blotch. In addition, barley accessions showed resistance specificity to pathotypes of B. sorokiniana.
Keywords:Hordeum vulgare L.  spot blotch  common root rot  adult plant resistance  seedling resistance  
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