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引用本文:李廷亮,谢英荷,洪坚平,冯倩,李金岚. 施氮量对晋南旱地冬小麦干物质及氮素积累转移的影响[J]. 山西农业科学, 2013, 41(3): 233-237
作者姓名:李廷亮  谢英荷  洪坚平  冯倩  李金岚
作者单位:1. 山西农业大学资源环境学院,山西太谷,030801
2. 山西省环境监测中心站,山西太原,030027
摘    要:通过2008—2010年2个年度的大田试验,研究了不同施氮量对晋南雨养区小麦生育期地上部干物质和氮素积累转移的影响。结果表明,旱作小麦干物质积累主要发生在返青期后,占最大积累量的80%以上;苗期和返青至抽穗期是冬小麦氮素吸收累积的2个高峰期,分别占最大累积量的20%~38%和44%~56%;在施氮0~180 kg/hm2范围内,花前和花后干物质累积量以及成熟期氮素积累量均随施氮量增加而显著增加;当施氮量超过180 kg/hm2时,成熟期生物量及氮素积累量则不再显著增加;施氮量对干物质转移效率和贡献率影响不明显;籽粒氮素累积主要来自于茎叶向籽粒的转移(占到籽粒氮素累积量的82%~98%),只有少部分氮素来自土壤吸收。

关 键 词:旱地  冬小麦  施氮量  干物质积累  氮素积累

Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on Dry Matter,Nitrogen Accumulation and Translocation in Rainfed Winter Wheat in Southern Shanxi
LI Ting-liang , XIE Ying-he , HONG Jian-ping , FENG Qian , LI Jin-lan. Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on Dry Matter,Nitrogen Accumulation and Translocation in Rainfed Winter Wheat in Southern Shanxi[J]. Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences, 2013, 41(3): 233-237
Authors:LI Ting-liang    XIE Ying-he    HONG Jian-ping    FENG Qian    LI Jin-lan
Affiliation:1.College of Resources&Environment,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801,China; 2.Shanxi Environment Monitoring Central Station,Taiyuan 030027,China)
Abstract:A field experiment locating in rainfed area Xiangfen Shanxi was conducted to study the effects of different nitrogen rates on dry matter,nitrogen accumulation and translocation of winter wheat during the two-year experiment period.The results showed that dry matter accumulation annually varied greatly,but mainly occurred after reviving period,which accounted for more than 80% of the maximum dry matter accumulation.Two uptake peaks of nitrogen of winter wheat appeared at seedling stage and during the revival to heading stages period under different treatments,which accounted for 20%~38%and 44%~56% of the total uptake respectively.The dry mater accumulation before and after anthesis and nitrogen accumulation in maturity stage increased significantly with the increasing of N application in the range of N 0~180 kg/hm2,but the biomass and nitrogen accumulation in maturity stage no longer significantly increased when N application rate was over 180 kg/hm2.However,no significant difference was observed on dry matter translocation efficiency and the contribution proportion relative to P rate.The grain nitrogen accumulation from the transfer of the stems and leaves to the grain accounted for 82% to 98% of the grain nitrogen accumulation amount,and only a small portion of nitrogen was fromthe soil.
Keywords:dry land  winter wheat  N application rate  drymatter accumulation  nitrogen accumulation
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