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引用本文:高雅琴,王宏博,梁丽娜,常玉兰,李维红,席斌,郭天芬. 蓝狐、水貂和獭兔的毛纤维显微结构观察[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2009, 37(31): 15275-15277
作者姓名:高雅琴  王宏博  梁丽娜  常玉兰  李维红  席斌  郭天芬
摘    要:[目的]区分成型的毛皮产品,避免假毛皮以假乱真。[方法]用哈氏切片法快速制取高清晰度毛纤维横切片,采用生物显微镜和扫描电镜观察蓝狐、水貂、獭免3种动物的毛纤维结构。[结果]獭兔毛鳞片排列紧密,髓质发达,横切面呈花生豆状;黑貂绒很细,有髓,且鳞片翘角非常大;蓝狐针毛从根部到梢部由连续状髓过渡为断续状髓到毛尖时无髓,横切面呈椭圆形,其绒毛基本呈圆形,有髓。[结论]蓝狐、水貂、獭兔3种动物的毛纤维的结构不同,可用于毛皮的鉴别.

关 键 词:裘皮  毛纤维  显微结构

Observation on Hair Fiber Microstructure of Blue fox,Mink and Otter Rabbit
GAO Ya-qin et al. Observation on Hair Fiber Microstructure of Blue fox,Mink and Otter Rabbit[J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2009, 37(31): 15275-15277
Authors:GAO Ya-qin et al
Affiliation:GAO Ya-qin et al (Lanzhou Institute of Animal Science , Veterinary Pharmaceutics,CAAS,Lanzhou,Gansu 730050)
Abstract:[Objective] To distinguish fashioned fur products and avoid deceptive fur.[Method] The high-definition transverse section of hair fiber was rapidly prepared through Hastelloy slice method.The structure of hair fiber of blue fox,mink,and otter rabbit was observed using bio-microscope and scanning electron microscopy.[Result] The scale of otter rabbit hair arranged closely and had developed medulla.Its transverse section was like peanuts.The sable cashmere was very fine and had medulla.The scale of mink had v...
Keywords:Fur  Hair fiber  Microstructure  
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