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引用本文:张俊飚. 我国西部地区水资源利用与农业可持续发展[J]. 农业现代化研究, 2001, 22(2): 80-83
基金项目:国家自然科学基金!《中西部贫困地区脱贫县可持续发展模式研究》(编号为 79970 0 71
摘    要:从探讨水资源在农业可持续发展中的地位与作用入手,在深入分析西部地区水资源利用现状及其问题的基础上,提出了改变水资源利用方式方法,加强管理,科学规划,实现对农业可持续发展有效支持和充分保障的政策措施建议。

关 键 词:西部地区  水资源利用  农业可持续发展

Water Resources Utilization and Agricultural Sustainable Development in the West of China.
ZHANG Jun-biao. Water Resources Utilization and Agricultural Sustainable Development in the West of China.[J]. Research of Agricultural Modernization, 2001, 22(2): 80-83
Authors:ZHANG Jun-biao
Abstract:By exploring water resources position and function which are in the agricultural sustainable dvelopment, and analysing the present problems of water resources utilization in the west of China, the author gives a series measures and suggestions, which are effective for agricultural sustainable development, including to improve method of water utilization, strengthen management, plan out scientific and so on.
Keywords:the West of China  water resources utilization  agricultural sustainable development
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