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引用本文:田英,刘玉娟,陈春伶. 鞑靼忍冬生物学特性及繁育技术[J]. 宁夏农林科技, 2014, 0(10): 19-20
作者姓名:田英  刘玉娟  陈春伶
作者单位:1. 宁夏林业研究所种苗生物工程国家重点实验室,宁夏 银川,750001
2. 宁夏森淼种业生物工程有限公司,宁夏 银川,750001
摘    要:介绍了鞑靼忍冬的形态特征、观赏性、抗逆性等生物学特性,并结合生产实际对其组培和扦插繁育技术进行了研究总结。

关 键 词:鞑靼忍冬  生物学特性  繁育技术  L.

Biological Characteristics and Breeding Technology of L.
Affiliation:TIAN Ying et al.(State Key Laboratory of Seed Biological Engineering,Ningxia Forestry Institute,Yinchuan, Ningxia 750001)
Abstract:A study was made on the biological characteristics of L., such as the morphological characteristics, ornamental characteristics and stress resistance and so on. In combination with the actual production, the breeding technology such as tissue culture and cottage reproduction were studied and summarized.
Keywords:L.  Biological characteristics  Breeding technology
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