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引用本文:王沛琦,刘旭云,胡尊红,杨谨,张锡顺,严洪斌,胡学礼. 我国主栽蓖麻品种在云南的适应性分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2017, 33(6): 59-66
作者姓名:王沛琦  刘旭云  胡尊红  杨谨  张锡顺  严洪斌  胡学礼
摘    要:
为了挑选出可直接应用于生产的优良蓖麻品种或优异的育种材料,以“云蓖2号”为对照,根据物候期、抗性、株高、单株有效穗、单株蒴果数、百粒重、亩产等多项指标,对国内21个蓖麻主栽品种在云南省的表现进行综合考察,同时对6个主要农艺性状进行方差分析的基础上进行了相关性分析和聚类分析。研究结果表明:云蓖麻5号、云蓖麻4号、通篦麻8号、淄篦麻9号、通篦麻6号五个品种的生育期在124-153之间,与对照品种相仿,蓖麻亩产为176.30-262.29 kg/亩,高于对照品种。通过相关性分析结果显示:对蓖麻产量贡献因素最大的蓖麻农艺性状为百粒重与株高。通过聚类分析,21个蓖麻品种被划分为3大类群,根据不同特点为育种提供依据。初步鉴定出云蓖麻5号、云蓖麻4号、通篦麻8号、淄篦麻9号、通篦麻6号五个高产蓖麻品种的主要农艺性状及适应性优良,可以作为直接应用于生产或选育优良新品种的备选材料。

关 键 词:蓖麻  栽培 农艺和经济性状  云南 适应性

Adaptation of Major Chinese Castor Cultivars in Yunnan Province
The aim of this paper is to obtain excellent castor varieties for production or materials for breeding.According to the agronomic traits of phenophase, resistance, plant height, the number of effective spikes per plant, the number of effective spike capsules per plant,100-kernel weight,productivity per plant and yield per mu,the comparative analysis was carried out between of expression of 21 present primary castor cultivars and the contral varieties of Yunbi NO.2 in Yunnan. The principal component analysis and cluster analysis were done on the basis of genetic correlation of six agronomic traits. The results indicated that the phenophase of Yunbima NO.5, Yunbima NO.4,Tong castor 8,Zi castor 9, Tong castor 6, Fen castor 10 was between 124-153d,similar to the contrasts.However,the yield per mu was between 176.30-262.29 kg/hm2,being significantly higher than the contral varieties. By the correlation analysis of 11 agronomic characters,the results showed that the largest contributor to the production of castor plant agronomic traits were the plant height and 100-kernel weight,productivity per plant.The cluster analysis indicated that 21 castor cultivars were clustered into three categories. These varieties could be used for castor breeding with different purposes. Preliminary result showed that Yunbima NO.5, Yunbima NO.4,Tong castor 8,Zi castor 9, Tong castor 6 have good agronomic traits and adaptability,it is promising to use them for production directly or as materials for breeding new varieties.
Keywords:castor (Ricinus communis L.)   cultivation   agronomic character   Yunnan   adaptability
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